Chapter 6

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(Brackenfur's POV)

Deaths: (5) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Oatpaw

Brackenfur followed his team-mates, Crowfrost and Quickpaw, through the tall weeds. Above them, scarlet began to fill the air like spilling blood. Sunrise was creeping across the sky, closely followed by the early morning sun.

Dew sparkled on the grassy stems, and the morning was crisp and chilly.

Although there was no breeze, the frosty, dewy air froze him down to the bone, and he shivered as a wet blade of grass brushed along his shoulder, soaking his ginger-brown tabby fur. The three different clan cats traveled in silence, their bodies rustling the long, wet weeds. Crowfrost had a leaf package wrapped around his neck. In it was a vole, catmint, and three stems of lavender. They had been disappointed at their chosen package. It didn't even have one single fighting piece of equipment!

"We have to find water. If we don't, we'll get weak and easy to kill!" Crowfrost broke the silence.

"Then we'll have to travel downhill. Then we'll surely find water." Quickpaw said, as if reading Brackenfur's mind.

"Look! A stream!" Quickpaw called, scampering towards a fast flowing river.

But Brackenfur suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as the scent of blood and death made his muscles tense.

Quickpaw's shriek made him race down to the apprentice's side. He gasped.

A bloody, broken body lay close to the river bank, his fur ruffled. His glassy eyes were almost white with death, and a swarm of flies buzzed around his body, nibbled off his split flesh.

"It's Oatpaw!" Crowfrost finally said. "Poor cat. He was so young!"

Quickpaw and Brackenfur nodded sadly. Blood was flowing from a gash in his throat, spilling into the water, turning it blood-red.

"We can't drink here. The water's full of blood!" Crowfrost meowed.

Brackenfur tried to ignore him, tasting the air. "I know who killed Oatpaw. It was either Rainflower... or Cinderheart." Brackenfur pictured Cinderheart, blood on her claws. It couldn't have been the sweet, grey cat he'd known for so long! There were no other bodies, so both cats must be still alive.

A thought struck him. What if they'd teamed up? And killed Oatpaw? Maybe Rainflower had killed Oatpaw, and Cinderheart was helping her!

"Brackenfur? Are you okay? We need to travel further up the stream to drink." Quickpaw's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He nodded, and followed his teammates up the hill, in the opposite direction of Cinderheart's scent.

After the three cats drank, Crowfrost pricked up his ears.

"I can smell enemies! From ShadowClan! It's... Raggedstar and Russetfur! And a ThunderClan cat!"

Brackenfur lifted his head and tasted the air. Crowfrost was right. And the ThunderClan cat was Ashfur!

Before the three cats could exchange another word, they were attacked from behind. Russetfur flung herself onto Brackenfur, clawing at his shoulder. She had a pair of dog claws! Brackenfur screeched, and tumbled down the hill in a writhing ball of spitting fangs and flying fur. The ginger she-cat scrambled to her paws and hissed menacingly. Before she could make her next move, a bang of thunder shook the earth. Brackenfur's eyes widened. But he didn't try and identify who it was; Russetfur leapt into him and pinned him down, while another thunderous rumble echoed through the forest.

No! Brackenfur thought, I will NOT die like this; at the dog claws of a mangy ShadowClan furball! He kicked at Russetfur's belly, flinging her into the reeds. They rattled and shook, then everything was silent. Until Russetfur exploded from the reeds, knocking down the ginger-brown tom. Pain shot through his body, as the old ShadowClan deputy sank her fangs into his neck.

The last thing Brackenfur heard while he was alive was a final, loud rumble, before everything went black.

Brackenfur stood up, shaking dirt from his fur. Russetfur had turned tail and fled. Confused, he looked down at his paws. They were transparent! He gasped and stepped back in shock. No! He thought, seeing his body. I'm dead! Brackenfur gulped as he felt himself fading to nothingness.

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