Chapter 12

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Sorry for the wait! I just want to say, thank you soooo much for 90+ reads! Love ya!

(Ivypool's POV)

Deaths: (18) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Oatpaw, Raggedstar, Crowfrost, Brackenfur, Quickpaw, Nightcloud, Driftkit, Leopardstar, Rainflower, Russetfur, Snowfur, Oakheart, Silverstream, Onestar.

Teams: Lionblaze, Cinderheart, Ivypool. Dawnpelt, Ashfur.

Ivypool lay curled up underneath a large willow, letting the splashes of morning sun dapple her silver tabby fur. She shivered as another snowflake settled in her fur. She was too tired to lick it off. Yesterday morning it had started snowing. Today, it was already midday, and it had not stopped snowing once. The air had grown five times colder, too. She had watched the death announcements, which were barely visible through the thick, swirling snowflakes. Although she knew she had to find prey, she felt weak and ready to freeze to death. Finally Ivypool persuaded herself to get up and hunt.

Ivypool tried to ignore the wet snow sticking to her belly as she crouched near a skinny mouse. It might not be much, but it had to be enough to full her empty, growling belly.

She pounced, claws out. The mouse squeaked limply as Ivypool's paws crushed its spine. She killed it with a simple bite and carried it back to the willow.

Ivypool was still hungry, but she had to keep moving to keep herself warm. Suddenly, a two familiar scents washed against the roof of her mouth.

Cinderheart and Lionblaze! They wouldn't hurt her, would they? Ivypool ran toward the smell, her sore, frozen pads aching as the sank into the snow.

"Lionblaze! Cinderheart!" She yowled, jumping out of the tall, frosty grass. The two cats spun around.

"Ivypool! Thank StarClan you're okay!" Cinderheart stepped up to her. "You look hungry."

Ivypool nodded. "My supplies burned."

"They burned?" Lionblaze asked.

"Yeah. My den caught fire. Snowfur saved my life." Ivypool tried to stop the salty liquid rising in her eyes as she remembered Snowfur's death. That feeling was soon replaced with anger and hatred for Ashfur. He really had a nerve; telling her he had a crush on her after killing her best friend!

"You poor thing. You can come with us! We're travelling to keep warm. Although we have no idea what we're going to do if we don't hunt soon." Cinderheart meowed, and Lionblaze nodded.

"Thanks," Ivypool muttered, following the familiar ThunderClan cats.

Ivypool stared at the huge ravine ahead of them. It was a large rip in the ground; she couldn't even see the bottom!

Cinderheart shuddered beside her.

Lionblaze lifted his head toward the gaping hole. "I smell something!" He growled, fur bristling.

"Prey...?" Cinderheart suggested. But Ivypool knew the way the large tom was acting that it was no good news. The fur along his spine stood on end, his tail was fluffed up and a menacing growl escaped his mouth as he flatted his ears against his head.

"Dawnpelt and Ashfur!" He hissed.

Ivypool gulped, unsheathing her claws.

Sure enough, Ivypool spied two blazing pairs of eyes in the shadowy, snow encrusted ferns. A snarl made Cinderheart jump, and the cream-tan she-cat leapt out of her hiding spot, followed by Ashfur. Lionblaze clawed at her while Dawnpelt clasped her jaws around his tail. The two cats wrestled, Cinderheart and Ivypool not hesitating to leap onto Ashfur.

Ivypool raked her thorn-sharp claws across Ashfur's muzzle, drawing fresh blood and re-opening old wounds. Cinderheart toppled backward with a screech as Ashfur shoved her off, looking up at Ivypool.

"Please-" he stuttered. Ivypool shook her head. She leapt onto him raking his shoulder. Soon, she had the weak tom pinned down. She could see countless wounds on his battered body. Ivypool drew in a tight breath and dug her fangs into his throat. She felt his warm blood filling her mouth, but clamped down harder, tearing at his throat. Ashfur thrashed and yowled, blood spilling from his mouth. Ivypool didn't release her firm grip until he went limp and a boom of thunder echoed through the air. Ivypool let go of his neck, watching his spirit get up. I'm sorry, he mouthed, tears running down his face. For a split second Ivypool felt guilty and sad, but pushed away the feeling as Ashfur's spirit faded away, leaving his body.

A furious shriek tore through Ivypool's jumbled thoughts, and she swung around just in time to see Dawnpelt and Lionblaze tumble off the cliff of the ravine!

"NO!" Cinderheart screeched, dashing to the edge. Ivypool shot forward next to her, watching the two cats twist and thrash in the air as they disappeared in blackness. "NO! This can't be happening!" Cinderheart yowled, tears streaming down her face. A sob shook her shoulders. "No..."

A thud echoed from the bottom of the ravine, followed by two close-together thunder rumbles. Dawnpelt was dead, taking Lionblaze down with her.

Cinderheart's legs trembled and she collapsed. "I can't do this anymore! I can't live with myself!" She sobbed in agony. Blood was pouring from her wounds, and the pain of Lionblaze's death must be killing her. Ivypool tried to think of something to say that would comfort the grey she-cat, but her mind was blank. To her horror, Cinderheart scrambled weakly to her paws and flung herself into the ravine!

"Cinderheart, no!" Ivypool screeched, lunging out to wrap her jaws around the scruff of Cinderheart's neck. But the she-cat squirmed in her firm grip. She was too desperate. Terror clawed at Ivypool's belly as the heavy she-cat slipped out of her grasp and fell to her death. A clap of thunder rang in her numb ears after the dull thud of Cinderheart's body.

Ivypool was frozen to the spot, eyes stretched wide. She imagined Dawbpelt, Lionblaze and Cinderheart's bloody, broken bodies at the rocky bottom of the ravine.

She didn't even get to say farewell! Ivypool couldn't hold back her emotion this time. Salty tears sprung out of her eyes as she burst into tears.

Writing this chapter was so sad omg. I have a feeling this whole story isn't making sense! But I'm guessing people like that, because I've almost reached 100 reads! Thanks so much, again!

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