Chapter 5

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(Cinderheart's POV)

Deaths: (3) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker

Cinderheart woke with a start at the smell of fresh-kill. She got up and stretched, careful not to bang her head on the low hanging roof of the old badger den. Yesterday had been surprisingly easy. Although she didn't get a chance to grab a leaf package, she had no troubles fleeing unnoticed into the forest. She'd found an old underground den, and settled for the night. She felt relieved to see that no ThunderClan cats had died last night; although she did have a nagging feeling of pity for the tiny kit. But she was surprised that Driftkit, Quickpaw and Oatpaw had survived.

Cinderheart slipped out of the grassy opening, letting the smell of oak trees wash against the roof of her mouth. She smelt it again- the sweet smell of mouse drifting toward her. Ducking down into the long grass, Cinderheart crept closer until she spied a large mouse nibbling at a wheat corn.

It let out a startled squeak as the grey she-cats fangs sank into its neck.

She lowered her body and crept back down her den, soon hungrily devouring her kill. She wondered how her clan mates were doing. Lionblaze especially, and Ivypool. Ashfur could go die in a hole for all she cared. And Brackenfur and Snowfur... That was a different story. Right now, Cinderheart needed to focus on surviving. She would need water soon, and the evil Dark Forest cats had though the arena territory through fully- they didn't have many fresh water sources. Also, she knew that there was a liquid called Black Water. Only the sharpest of eyes could identify it; and it was deadly. If a cat touched it or drank from it, they could die within minutes.

Cinderheart padded back out into the clearing. Remembering her training, she headed downhill, where the appearance of water was most likely.

Cinderheart was pushing through rattling reeds, when a distant growl of thunder made her ears prick. Another death. She prayed it wasn't from ThunderClan, and went on. She would find out who it was tonight, anyways.

Relief flooded through the grey she-cat as the gentle trickling of water made her realise how dry her mouth felt. Picking up speed, she slithered out of the reeds and stood at the edge of a deep, splashing stream, flowing over smooth, white pebbles.

Cinderheart's inside flipped as a familiar smell crept up her nose. It was only then she noticed the two RiverClan cats filling their bellies with water.

Pressing down a squeak of surprise, she pressed back into the reeds and crouched down as low as she could. Luckily, both cats were too busy to smell her, and she was downwind.

Cinderheart suddenly recognised the long-dead she-cat Rainflower, and the small tabby apprentice called Oatpaw.

They had obliviously teamed up.

All of a sudden, fear clutched her heart as Rainflower got up and sniffed the air. Cinderheart watched in horror as she narrowed her eyes in suspicion and sniffed again, more concentrated. Cinderheart's instinct told her to run, but terror had frozen her to the spot. Rainflower stepped over the stepping stones, and immediately had her furious eyes rested on her. The she-cat hissed, flinging herself into the reeds. Cinderheart ducked, and tumbled, off balance, into the river. Icy liquid soaked her to the skin, and her heavy pelt weighed her down. But she knew she had to get out of the water quick, because Rainflower was an experienced RiverClan fighter.

She scrambled to the shore, getting ready in case Oatpaw attempted to attack her. He didn't. He just stood there, watching Rainflower swiftly swing herself onto land, on the other side of the apprentice.

She snarled, and Cinderheart bared her teeth in reply.

"One cat out of us three must die now." Rainflower smirked. "Toms first, or, weakest first." To Cinderheart's surprise, the RiverClan she-cat leapt onto the horrified apprentice, pinning him down.

"Let me go, and I'll kill him for you." Rainflower locked her blue eyes on Cinderheart.

"I-" Cinderheart couldn't get the words out of her mouth. It was either her, or Oatpaw. Rainflower was much stronger than both of them.

"Looks like it's settled then," the she-cat sneered. Then she slashed her claw into Oatpaw's throat and kept it hooked in until a puddle of dark crimson blood pooled underneath the weak, broken young cat. Oatpaw gagged and choked, then went limp.

A rumbling boom right above them made Cinderheart jump.

Rainflower waited for the silence to settle, then leapt off Oatpaw's bloody body and fled into the trees.

Cinderheart was frozen to the spot in horror, still in shock. She backed away and flattened her ears as a transparent figure stood up from Oatpaw's body. It was his spirit! He stared at her for a moment, eyes glittering with sadness. Then he slowly began to disappear.

Cinderheart shook off the fright, and slowly made her way up the river, until she found a spot where the water wasn't red with blood. She let the sweet water trickle down her dried out throat in delight. Satisfied, she glanced up at the nearing night sky.

Time to find another shelter, she thought, soon glimpsing a hollow tree.

Taking the chance, Cinderheart curled up in the warm tree cave and watched the pale stars above begin to form a picture. It was Sunstrike, the beautiful WindClan she-cat, closely followed by Oatpaw. She had one last look of the innocent toms face before it faded, leaving Cinderheart to fall asleep, not knowing what tomorrow might bring.

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