Chapter 16

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My last chapter! Whoop whoop!

(Dovewing's POV)

"Ivypool!" Dovewing yowled across the ThunderClan camp clearing as she recognised the familiar pelts push through the thorn barrier. She hasn't been able to been there for her sisters final interview, but she was watching it in Jayfeather's water puddle.

Ivypool bounded up to her sister, Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Brackenfur, Snowfur, Ashfur, Bramblestar, Squirrelflight and heaps of orher ThunderClan cats.

Dovewing nuzzled Ivypool and rubbed against her, purring.

"I can't believe it! I can't believe you won! And you saved the tributes!" Dovewing blurted out. "Please win the next Hunger Games!"

"I can't promise that. But I have a year! And we're safe! And, we have extra territory!" Ivypool comforted her, but Dovewing felt worry clouding her mind.

"Plus, look! We have ancient cats living in ThunderClan now! Snowfur and Ashfur!" Ivypool shivered.

"Ashfur is a killer. Why would Bramblestar let him live here?" Dovewing asked, flashing the dark grey tom a suspicious look.

"It was part of Tigerstar's deal. What else would have happened to him?"

"I guess..." Dovewing mumbled.

"Ivypool!" Lionblaze called.

"Ivypool, I want to thank you! You saved out lives!" Cinderheart interrupted.

"I couldn't have let you die!" Ivypool dipped her head.

"Cinderheart and I couldn't have been together without you." Lionblaze licked the grey she-cats head affectionately.

"Ivypool!" Snowfur darted up to Dovewing's litter mate, followed by Brackenfur. "Thank you so much! I've just met the best friend I could ever have!" She rested her bushy white tail on her new friends shoulder.

"It's good to have you back, all if you. Wait..." she turned to Ashfur. The battered tom was eyeing her sadly from the medicine cat den. His wounds were the worst. Ivypool broke off, and to Dovewing's surprise, she padded over to him. They spoke softly, nothing that Dovewing could understand.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock!" Bramblestar yowled, watching his cats form a crowd beneath him. As the chattering died down, Bramblestar continued. "As you all know, Ivypool has won the Hunger Games and we have received extra territory." He raised his paw to silence the excited cats. "Also, our tributes have returned to live with us!" Cheers erupted from the clearing. "But," Bramblestar hung his head low, "only because Ivypool has promised to return back to the arena next year." Gasps of horror replaced the cheers and Bramblestar dipped his head. "I know you will all make our new ancient StarClan members of ThunderClan feel at home. Ashfur and Snowfur!" The two StarClan cats stepped forward letting their gazed drift across the crowd of their new clan mates.

"Welcome back, Cinderheart, Lionblaze and Brackenfur! And of course, Ivypool, the brave she-cat who brought back our tributes. Including the contestants from different clans, too!" Bramblestar finished, his amber eyes glittering as more yowls of congratulations exploded from the gathering cats.

Dovewing turned away from the leader as he began organising patrols. She couldn't bear losing her sister again. There was one in a hundred chances she would survive again. Suddenly, an idea flashed in Dovewing's head. It frightened her, but she had to risk it. For her sister. For ThunderClan. For all she cared about.


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