Chapter 15- The Final Interview

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(Ivypool's POV)

Ivypool's stomach growled as soon as she was pulled out of her sleep. Her muscles were aching like crazy and her wounds still stung a little bit, but her fur felt clean and fresh, no dried blood. Her paws were itching to run around, but Ivypool felt too weak and tired to get up, so she lay in the soft moss nest, motionless.

"You're awake."

A gruff meow made Ivypool's body twitch in alarm. She instinctively unsheathed her claws and her muscles tensed. Then she realised it was over. She had won the Hunger Games. She relaxed, and forced herself to look up. It was Shredtail.

"I've given you a super rare, powerful herb that made you sleep." Shredtail told her. "You've been out for six days." He smirked at Ivypool's shocked face. "Don't worry, the herb has a secret that keeps your health up. Are you sore?"

Ivypool nodded, and panted as she struggled to her paws.

Her fur was groomed, glowing sleekly against her skin.

"My wounds! They're-they're almost all gone!" Ivypool gasped, looking at her body in the water reflection in a small pool. Where her injuries were before, all that was left were a few thin, pale scars. They'd almost healed, and fur was growing over them. Her silver-white tabby fur smelt good. Ivypool breathed in the lush, delightful scent of fresh lavender.

"It's about time for your final interviews. The Hunger Games aren't quite finished. We still have to deal with the dead cats..." The light brown tabby tom stood up. Ivypool's heart lurched. Terror clutched her heart as she remembered Snowfur, Cinderheart and Lionblaze and the others.

"W-what are you going to do to them?" She asked him.

"You'll see." Shredtail turned and winked at her. "Come; Snowtuft is ready to style you for your final interview."

"Well, honestly, Ivypool, I really didn't think you'd make it." Snowtuft shook his head as Ivypool took a seat in the stylists cave, smirking at her mockingly.

"Why? Because you thought I was a soft, loyal clan cat?" Ivypool snarled, anger bubbling up inside her. How dare this mangy Dark Forest fleabag talk to her that? Snowtuft backed away.

"Think again!" Ivypool unsheathed her claws. She felt full of energy. And anger.

"Sorry. L-let's just get you ready for the interview..." Snowtuft mumbled. The skinny white tom turned and grabbed a handful of ivy vines.

"The same style from the first interview?" Ivypool asked, eyeing the thin green leaves.

"Why not? Got a problem? Talk to Tigerstar about it!" He growled sharply I reply. Ivypool shook her head hastily, trying not to seem weak and afraid. She wasn't looking forward to seeing the evil leader at all. Him and Snowtuft could go and die in a hole for all she cared.

"Cats of all clans! I have summoned you all here today, for it is the final interview of the Hunger Games! For those if you who do not know yet, the winner is... Ivypool of ThunderClan!" Tigerstar yowled, his yellow eyes gleaming as the cats below him erupted into cheers.

"That's your call! Get up there!" Snowtuft hissed in Ivypool's ear. Ivypool swallowed and stepped out into the night. Fake, starry wind whisked through her groomed fur and rustled the ivy leaves. The clans cheered even more; they rose to the paws and yelled things at her which she could not understand. The icy wind sent shivers down her spine as she strode confidently toward Tigerstar. She settled down next to him and wrapped her tail neatly around her paws. Tigerstar lashed his tail to silence the yowling cats.

"ThunderClan is the winner of this years Hunger Games! Bramblestar will claim the new part of his clans territory in two days." He nodded to Bramblestar and Squirrelflight sitting by his left side.

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