Chapter 7

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Edit: (25/8/16) omg haha ^

(Ivypool's POV)

Deaths: (9) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Oatpaw, Raggedstar, Crowfrost, Brackenfur, Quickpaw.

Ivypool shuddered as the ring of the last thunder faded from her ears. Four deaths in less than two minutes, she thought, horrified.

Ivypool had made shelter in a narrow cave underneath a gnarled root. Her leaf package included horsetail, two sparrows, and a smaller leaf-package with some water. This satisfied Ivypool, even though her skill was fighting. She had been very careful since the Hunger Games had begun, and she hadn't had any trouble with enemy cats so far. She wondered which cats were dead, and she knew she would soon find out, because the sky was already very dark, and a few, dull stars hung in the night sky. It wouldn't be long now until the deaths were displayed in the stars.

And she was right- a couple of minutes later, the face of Raggedstar appeared in the stars, followed by the cat called Crowfrost. Ivypool's heart stopped for a second as Brackenfur's face began to form. Grief seemed to cloud her mind; she could think of nothing but poor Brackenfur, his body lying motionless and bloody somewhere out there. The last face was slowly disappearing, so Ivypool squinted to make out Quickpaw's face before the sky turned normal again. Ivypool crept into her shelter, and fell asleep before she could make sure she was safe.

"Ivypool! Ivypool! You've got to get out!" A familiar voice tore Ivypool out of her meaningless dream. A strange smelled filled her nose, and the den was feeling unusually hot. A cough snapped her out of her sleepy trance. Snowfur was standing above her, her snowy white fur smudged with soot. Wait... soot? Ivypool leapt to her paws. Fiery yellow flames licked at the earthy walls, crackling dangerously as the dry, poking out roots began to turn black, and curl.

"Here! Get out!" Snowfur screeched, tugging the shocked she-cat out into the cold forest. Ivypool's eyes watered as dry, thick smoke blinded her and she was forced to inhale it into her lungs. A sharp, rasping cough escaped her lips as she felt herself being dragged further from her burning den. Her chest was heaving and her eyes were burning. Then everything went black.

Ivypool panted, sitting up. The image of flickering, crackling flames was still vivid in her mind. Her vision was slightly blurred, and she staggered around clumsily before giving up and sitting down.

Had it been a dream? No. Snowfur's scent still lingered in the air, her fur was covered in soot, and she was under a bramble bush instead of her den.

Ivypool guessed Snowfur had went to get water and, with any luck, honey for their sore throats, leaving Ivypool out in the thick bramble bush.

It wasn't long before Snowfur returned, her white pelt clean and free of ashes. She was carrying a ball of water-soaked moss, which she dropped in front if Ivypool.

"You're awake." Snowfur's blue eyes were locked on her while she thirstily licked at the wet moss. Then she looked up and nodded, letting her clan mate have the rest of the water.

"How did you find me?" Ivypool asked.

"Well, firstly I started to smell smoke. Then I saw an orange light coming from your den and thought, hang on, that can't be right. So I struggled to find my in, just to finding you sleeping on the ground." Snowfur replied.

Ivypool nodded. "Where's my stuff?" She asked.

"I couldn't find it. I guess it all burned."

Sadly, Ivypool nodded at this news. She'd lost all her supplies, and Snowfur didn't look like she had gone for the leaf packages. They had nothing at all.

"I think we should go look for Lionblaze or Brackenfur. Not Ashfur, though." Snowfur broke the silence.

"You... didn't watch the deaths last night?" Ivypool asked.

"No... why?"

Ivypool hesitated. "Brackenfur is dead."

Snowfur gasped. "Oh no! That's terrible!" She hung her head as both cats sat in silence.

The awkward pause was all of a sudden interrupted by a loud boom. Snowfur looked up. Ivypool jumped.

"That... Sounded really close! It sounds like its coming from the opposite direction I went! Lets go!" She meowed. Then she ran off, Ivypool close behind.

"No! Nightcloud!" Driftkit wailed. He was bending over a lifeless body that belonged to Nightcloud. The she-cats spirit had obliviously already left, because her body was filled with the stench of death.

"What happened?" Ivypool and snowfur asked, almost together.

"N-Nightcloud just d-drank from this w-water! I told her it looked s-strange, but she wouldn't l-listen! Now she's dead!" The little kit wailed. Ivypool padded over to the edge of the lake, and sniffed the water. The putrid, oily smell seemed to choke her. She backed away, gagging. Snowfur stared at her, surprised.

"It's Black Water!" Ivypool gasped. "Nightcloud drank Black Water!"

"No!" Snowfur shrieked, sounding devestated.

"I don't want to live anymore! I wish I could just die!" Driftkit wailed, tears silently trickled down his cheeks.

"No, Driftkit, don't!" Snowfur and Ivypool screeched as the young kit threw himself into the dark water without warning, disappearing in it's dark depths forever.

Ivypool collapsed in sorrow, trying not to wail in pain as Driftkit's death was announced by a thundering explosion just above their heads. Snowfur hung her head, grieving for the little innocent kit, never to live again.

She had learned a lesson- if you drink from Black Water, you'll die. If your whole body gets covered in it, you die. There was no way she wanted to find out what would happen if you just touched it. She shuddered, following Snowfur back into the forest.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm keeping the updates going fast because I've already written down my whole story and completed it. Now all I'm doing is publishing a chapter every now and then. Tell me if you saw any mistakes!

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