Chapter 1

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^Vivian above

Let's Run Away


    I pull my red long sleeves down below my wrists so that he can't see them.

    "Why do you keep doing that?" He asks, looking at me with a hint of question in his eyes.

    "Doing what?" I respond, pretending to not know what he's talking about.

    "Pulling down your sleeves. You're doing it like every five minutes," when I don't respond, he says, "give me your arms."

    He tries to grab me but I move my arms out of his reach.

    "Vivian, please," he puts his forehead on mine, "please," he whispers into my ear, sounding like he's about to cry, "show me your wrists."

    When I feel tears soak through my shirt, I give in.

    As he starts pulling up my sleeves, I start silently shaking out of fear.

    "Oh my..." he gasps when he gets my sleeves up, "w-why?" he asks with tears streaming down his face.

    "I-i-i-..." I stutter before collapsing onto his bed, "m-m-my f-f-father... h-h-he..." I start crying.

    "What? What did he do?" he asks with anger burning in his eyes.

    Instead of responding I look down at his beige blanket.

    "Viv, come on. Tell me."

    I pull my shirt up until I get to the base of my bra, exposing the bandage that goes from y belly button up to my rib cage.

    Even though he's seen me without a proper shirt, this feels wrong.

    "H-h-he c-c-cut me..." I say after I've calmed down a little, "I couldn't take the pain and I started screaming. Which caused my mother to come downstairs... w-w-with a belt," I turn around to show him where she had hit me, "she hit me with it, causing me to scream even more. My father grabbed another knife and cut my wrists. I didn't do it. I swear I didn't." I can't even think about hurting myself. Unless getting pregnant at nineteen is harming, I haven't' hurt myself in years, "He... he cut my stomach and threw me against the wall."

    "I-is the... Is the baby okay?" he asks, his voice trembling with fear.

    I look down at my hands and start crying again, "I-i'm sorry, Jayden."

    He pulls me onto his lap and hugs me, I put my shaking hand on his cheek, "Jayden... I'm sorry I couldn't keep him from finding out. He said next time it's gonna be me or you... he told me I can't see you anymore." I say into his neck.

    He pulls away from the hug and wraps his arms around my waist, "then there won't be a next time."

    "W-w-what do you mean?" I ask with more tears falling down my face.

    "I mean, there won't be a next time. We're running away."

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