Chapter 3

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^Rosey above



    "Where do you think you're going, Vivian?" my father asks me.

    "Why would you care? It's not like you and mother love us or anything. We're your fucking punching bags for god's sake!" I shout at him.
That was a bad idea.

    "We never said that we didn't love you, but your right. We don't. We hate you. You two were mistakes and shouldn't have happened," he spits at me, "your always such a goddamn bitch and she's a fucking attention seeker!"

    "Maybe we'd be different if you loved us instead of hurt us! I'm leaving and Rosey is too!" I yell.

    "I should have killed you when I killed the baby. You're a fucking waste of space. I'm surprised a boy can even look at you, let alone love you. You're a hideous little bitch!" he screams as Jayden storms in. Rosey must've called him.

    "That's where you're wrong. She's beautiful. And you should really learn to love her for who she is. Actually, from all the shit I've heard, you don't deserve to be around her," he says with all his anger finally pouring out, his eyes on fire, "I'm only going to tell you this once, so listen up. Stay away from Vivian and Rosy," he says lividly.

    "She's just an ugly, worthless slut that-" he cuts my father off.

    "She's only all good things. Stop and we'll leave. You'll never have to see us again." he says.

    "Wait... I have a question..." I state, "are you our real parents?"

    For once my father looks like he's going to break.

    "Genevieve! Come here, please!" he calls to mother.

    "What?" she sourly asks.

    "She wants to know if we're her real parents," father says and immediately mother breaks.

    "No," is all she says.

    I don't think I've ever seen either of them cry, but now I have.

    "W-what?" I ask.

    "I said no. Now leave. Take all your crap and get out," she says, getting right back to her sour self.

    "Your parents are dead," father says, "she can't leave Genevieve. Our little servant would be gone."

    "I don't care. I don't want her or her dumb twin," she says.

    "Babe, let's just go," Jayden whispers in my ear.

    I nod and he quietly pulls me through the still open front door of my not-real-parents home.

    "Is your stuff in her car?" I nod, "Rosey, she's going to ride with me, okay?" she nods, "here's the where we're going and where we're stopping. You got it?" he explains.

    "Yes, but one thing," he signals for her to go on, "can I um... can I bring Jaycen?"

    "Is he close?"

    "Yea, he said he'd be here soon... But I told him that I'd text him where we're going," she tells him.

    "Okay, start a group chat with all four of us and I'll tell you guys if we stop. Good thing I booked two rooms at the motel," he said.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She giggles as she bounces to her car.

    Rosey has always been the energetic one. Even though I'm older (only by like a minute), she's always the one that acts like a big sister.

    I'm the silent one. I'm anxious, awkward, afraid, scarred, and unloved. I was unloved. Jayden changed that. He saved my life. Twice now.

    He opens the passenger door for me and shuts it after I've climbed in.

    When he shuts his door, I say, "thank you," and feel hot tears running down my face.

    "You don't have to thank me, Vivian," he says, pulling me into a tight hug.

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