Chapter 13

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Vivan's POV

    By the time the cops got to my home, I was on the floor screaming and crying my heart out.

    "Is this the girl that called in?" one of the male officers asks.

    "Yes, I believe so," a familiar female voice says, "are you okay?"

    "Huh?" I say.

    "Are you okay?"

    "Y-y-yea... I'm f-fine... I need to find my baby and my boyfriend... soon..." I say breathlessly.

    "That's what we're here to help with," she said, comfortingly rubbing my back, "I'm Officer Patty, what's your name?"

    "V-Vivian..." I stammer.

    "Okay, Vivian, we need you to calm down and tell us what happened, okay?"

    I nod and begin telling them the whole story- starting from when I was a child to the present day.

    They all look at me in disbelief.

    "...then after I called in, I came downstairs to complete silence," I say, my voice breaking with every word, "he killed my sister and my soon to be brother-in-law."

    "Okay, we are going to help you find them," the other officers nodding along with Patty.


    "Okay, everybody," Officer Patty says in a hushed tone, "shhh... be very quiet. We can't let him know that we're here."

    We walk up to the open door of the warehouse my father said he'd be.

    Typical father, always leaving the door open, I think to myself and mentally laugh.

    "On my signal," she says, waving her hands around, "you remember what to do, Vivian?"

    "Yea," I whisper, remembering all the things I have to do.

    I walk in, immediately seeing my father in front of my lover and baby, "father, I'm here."

    "Good, I want you to watch this time," he says as he pulls out a gun and aims it at Jayden.

    "No!" I scream as he shoots it at the man I love.

    I rush over to Jayden and pull his head into my lap, "Jay, my love, please don't die on me. Literally, please."

    "Vivian, watch out!" I hear Patty yell.

    "Fuck you!" I yell at him, standing up and yanking the gun out of his hands, I shoot his leg and throw the gun across the spacious room with a strangled cry.

    "You bastard! You hurt the love of my life and you nearly killed my baby! You asshole, I hope you rot in jail like the murderer you are!" I scream at him, tears streaming down my face, "you fucking... bastard..." I yell breathlessly before hitting my head on the concrete floor of the warehouse, instantly knocking me out.

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