Chapter 5

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"You guys ready?" all three of us nod, "follow me.

We all grab our suitcases and drag them behind us.

Jayden stops moving right in front of a wall, "Jaycen, Rosey, your room is right there," he points to the closest door on the left, "Viv, ours is right there," he points the room on the right.
"Okay," Rosey says.

"Wait, Rosey give me your phone."

She hands him her phone and smashes it against the concrete.

"The hell?!" she screams.

"Here," he hands her a brand new one.

"Hmpf," she sounds, grabbing the phone and the key to the room, "come on, Jayc."

He follows her into they're room and shuts the door.

We definitely won't be seeing them for a while. Well, or until she gets hungry.

"Viv, same for you. Give me your phone," I hand it to him and he does the same thing that he to my sister's, "here," he hands me a new one, "in case he chipped it."

    "Oh," is all I say.

    "You ready to go in?" I nod, "come on."
    He opens the door to a cigarette smelling room. It's small, but there's enough space.

    There's a large sofa with a coffee stain in the room, a small kitchen with a mini fridge, sink, microwave, and counter space. There's a small hallway the leads from the room we're in, to the bathroom and what I presume is a closet. There's another small room that branches off from the hallway. The small room has yellowed white walls, a scratched up wooden bedframe, a nasty, stained mattress, and a tv on a wooden dresser.

    "I can sleep on the couch if you want to sleep alone, Viv." he offers.

    "I don't wanna be alone," I whisper as I shut my eyes and feel a hot tear making its way down my face.

    "You okay, babe?"

    "Yea, I'm fine." I lie.

    "Your a worthless piece of shit," he spat, "I should kill you."

    "No, please. Leave me alone. Kaleb, please," I begged.

    Kaleb, my boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend.

    "I can do what I please. Your nothing to me," he said, straddling me.

    "Get off, Kaleb. You can do this anymore. You said you'd never hurt me, that you loved me," I cried.

    "Well, when I want something, I take it. I never loved *you*, it's your body that I loved."

    "I hate you, Kaleb. Leave me alone!" I screamed.

    "Never," he whispered into my ear, "I already told you, I take what I want."

    "You can't have me! I'm not alive for you to play with." I said.

    "That's what you think, you good for nothing bitch!" he shouted, "now, I'm going to have some fun. If this hurts, it'll be even more fun."

    "You son of a bitch..." I said as he started removing my clothing along with his, "NO! Please don't!"

    "I could kill you instead if you like," he grins as I wince, "but that wouldn't be as fun."

    I screamed out in pain, "please, Kaleb, please," I whispered before I blacked out.

    "Viv?" Jayden says, grabbing me by my waist, "hello?"

    "Hm?" I hum.

    "You good?"

    "Yea, I'm fine. Just thinking about something from the past," I say, looking at his light blue shirt.

    "Wanna talk about it?" he says, pulling me into a hug.

    "Not right now. He's not something I want to remember. And, I don't want you to get pissed and not talk to me," I shamefully say.

    "You know you can tell me anything, right? Anything at all. Even about-" I cut him off.

    "You really wanna know?"

    "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he says calmly.

    "I'll tell you," I break away from the hug and sit on the stained mattress, "but you might want to sit down."

    He sits down next to me and puts his hand on my knee, signaling that he's ready for me to tell him.

    When I'm done telling him what happened and who Kaleb is, he gets up and storms out of the small bedroom.

    "Jayden?" I ask. No response, "Jayden, please," still nothing, "I'm sorry, Jayden."

    I get off the bed and find him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, "Jayden, I'm sorry."

    When he doesn't look up, I walk to the front door and walk out.

    I guess I'll stay in the car until he decides to drive me back, I think to my self. And to my surprise, the door is unlocked.

    I climb in the backseat, curl up into a ball and start crying.

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