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Vivian's POV

"I'm so nervous, Sara," I say, trying not to move while Bella does my hair.

"I know, Viv, but I also know that your really happy and have been waiting for this day for a while now," she smiles, "I see how you look at him and how he looks at you. You guys are so perfect for each other.."

"He's perfect. For me and just in general," I laugh a little, "I'm just scared. We've got a baby who's soon to be born and the things we'd been through...I can't even begin to explain how awful that was."

"I know," she puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me through the mirror, "your so good for him and he's so good for you."

"Yea, I know."

She runs her hand over my all while dress, "I bet he'll fall for you all over again when he sees you walking down the aisle."

We both giggle for a moment and at that moment I realize how lucky I am to have a best friend like her.

"Your hair looks great, Vivian," Bella says once she's done.

"Thanks for doing that, Bella."

"It's no problem. It's the day of your fucking wedding, obviously I'm gonna help," she laughs a little, "now you gotta get your makeup done though."

"Oh shit, yea. Gotta do that before I run out of time," I get up, going to grab my makeup bag but Sara stops me.

"Ah ah ah. No way am I letting you do your own makeup today," she grins, "nope I got this."

I roll my eyes at her, "fine. Just don't fuck up my face."

She gives me an evil look, "oh now I definitely will."

"Oh boy, here we go," Bella says quietly while trying not to laugh at our bickering.

"Let's just get this done so I can get into my dress and emotionally prepare myself for what's about to happen."

"Ok, Viv."

Jayden's POV

"Guys, this is crazy," I say to them.

"Yea, but you deserve it, man," Tommy says, patting me on the back.

"He's right, your so good together. Your happy with her," Jason says along with him.

"I really am. She's everything to me. And she's so fucking beautiful. I honestly can't believe she's about to be my wife. It's so fucking crazy," I say as I fix my hair to make it look somewhat good.

"Dude your hair looks fine. You gotta go down in a few though," Tommy says with a grin.



Vivian's POV

"Oh my god is this really about to happen?" I squeal as I'm about to walk out where everyone can see me with my biological aunt that I didn't even know existed till two months ago.

I'm really happy that someone from my family - who has good intentions this time - is walking me down and giving me a way to the love of my life.

I stare at the light pink and white roses that line the door and curtain that's also a light pink color. I can see the same colored roses lining the aisle and they're petals scattered across where I would be walking.

Jayden really wanted to make this one of the best days of my life and listened to how I imagined how my wedding would look and made it happen. I never thought he would go for the whole pink and white thing but he did and I really appreciate that he's giving me my dream wedding. It's everything I wanted and more. And that's not even all.

My aunt gestures for me to start walking after the bridesmaids and groomsmen have all walked down to the arch where my (very) soon to be husband stands.

"Are you ready?" She asks me, handing me the white and light pink rose bouquet I'll be holding.

I give her a big smile, "yea, I've never been more ready for anything else as much as this."

"Then lets go," she says, holding out her arm to me.

As soon as we come into view for Jayden to see me, I see his mouth drop open a little in awe as I start tearing up at the sight of the man I'm walking towards.

I reach where he's waiting for me, under the rose cover arch, and he's smiling at me, giving me the same smile that made me look twice and fall for him.

Sara takes the bouquet from me as I turn to face Jayden.

He grabs my hands and smiles even more.

We get to where we say our vows to each other and my hands start to shake.

What if what I have isn't good enough or stupid?

He starts his first:

"Vivian, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so happy to have the amazing chance to spend the rest of my life with you and our own little family. When I first met you, you were just this innocent girl...who needed love and to be cared for and I gave you everything I had to offer, and I will continue to give you everything till the day I die. Baby, your everything to me and I don't know what I would do if you weren't the one I get to hold close in my arms every night or if you weren't the one standing in front of me here right now. Your so beautiful and I will always love you so much more than you could ever imagine."

By the end of his vow there were tears falling down my face, probably smudging my makeup but I don't care.

It's my turn to say my vow to him, and I'm so nervous.

"Jayden, you are the absolute love of my life. I have no doubt that your my soulmate and the one person I know I will always have. You saved me from the hell I had to endure. You saved me..from myself and I don't know how I could ever show you how much it means to me. I don't think I could ever show you or find the right words to say how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Your my whole world, Jay, and I know that without you I'd be missing the biggest part of myself. I'm so happy I have the chance to give you a lifetime of love and everything you need and want. I'm so happy I have you. Even if today wasn't this I would still be the happiest girl in the universe. I love you so much and I can't wait for what comes next in our life together."

He smiles at me again, also with tears falling down.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Jayden brings me closer to him and kisses me.

"I love you, Jayden," I smile.

He smiles back, "I love you too, Vivian."

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