Chapter 14

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The Aftermath

Vivian's POV

As I slowly become conscious again, the sound of sirens blaring cause my head to pound.

I carefully start to open my eyes and see what looks like the roof of an ambulance

Oh you have GOT to be kidding me...

I try to turn my neck, but something around my neck is preventing any motion.

I silently moan in pain and attract the attention of the person with me.

Officer Patty.

"Hey, hey, you hit your head pretty hard,m so they're taking you to the hospital to make sure no severe damage has been done," she looks at me with pity in her eyes, "I'm sorry about your father. I had no idea."

I don't need nor want your pity.

"Looks like we're here. I'll see you later," she gets up and hops out the back after the doors open.

They pull me along the short, cracked concrete sidewalk into a cold, white hallway. With every single bump they roll me over, the pounding in my head gets worse.


Where's my baby and where's Jayden?!

I start panicking and try to move, causing a set of hands to push me down.

"We need you to calm down and stop moving. What ever injuries you may have could potentially get worse if you don't stop," a booming male voice says as the hands are lifted off of me.

I groan again and stop moving.

I just want my family back. Is that too much to ask for?

"We are going to check to see what damage was done, okay," the same male voice says as I just look up at the ceiling, "the small child and young man that were picked up with you are getting the same thing done; the man has a gunshot wound in his abdomen and the child has cuts and bruises, nothing looked too severe," he gives me a small smile, "just thought you'd like to know."

Jayden was shot?

"And the older man, however, wasn't brought in, though he had gotten shot in the leg," he tells me.

I stop breathing.

What is mother going to do when she finds out?

I'm so dead...

It's kind of hard to believe that after twenty-one years of my life, the man who abused me and my sister and killed her and her husband is finally gone. Could it really be over? Could we finally be safe?

After finding out that I could finally be safe, I fall into a deep sleep, not caring about what happens to me from here on out.

hope you liked it ;)

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