Chapter 8

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Soooo... I haven't done this yet... hope this turns out good. If it's shit, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy!! 😁



"So," she says, dragging out the letters, "What's for food?"

I put the bag of food and anything that didn't need to be refrigerated on the counter. I pull out a laf of bread, a jar of grape jelly and some peanut butter.

"Peanut butter and jelly, if that's okay," I say.

"As long as I can prevent my stomach from eating itself, then yes, it's okay," she says seriously.

I let out a small laugh, "no peanut butter, right?"

"Right," she opens up the bread and I open the jar of jelly.

After I get the jar open, she grabs a spoon and spoons some jelly out. She takes a bit of jelly onto her finger and wipes it on my nose. I instinctively do the same.

"How long are we gonna keep doing that, Viv. We've been doing that forever!" I shout.

She kisses my cheek, "I'm going to do it for as long as I do it," she smiles at me.

"Damn your cute," I laugh, "I love you, Vivian. Please don't forget that."

"How could I when your one of the few people that do?" she asks, sounding harsher than she probably meant.

"I wasn't saying that you were... I know you're never going to forget... It slipped... I'm sorry..." I say quietly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...-"

I cut her off, "I know you didn't. Let's just make our sandwiches and get some sleep, okay?"
She nods and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around me and placing her head on my back and whispers, "I will never forget because I love you too. I will always love you," she pulls away to wipe a tear from her cheek, "I know sometimes I may not act like I know you do or believe you... but I do."

I turn around and wrap my arms around her, "I know you do."


He turns around and wraps his arms around me, "I know you do," he says softly.

I lay my head on his chest and realize we were in the middle of making food, "Jay," I giggle.

"What?" he looks at me questioningly.

"We need to finish what we were doing," I continue giggling.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," he laughs.

I pick up a piece of bread and put some jelly on it, "how can you stand peanut butter?"

"I don't know, I just like it," he says.

"You're weird..."

"And you love it," he grins.

I roll my eyes, "maybe I do."

I finish making my sandwich and walk over to the couch. When I sit down the couch sinks, "oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me," I say frustrated.

"What?" he asks.

"This fucking couch. It sank. And I weigh nothing. Like, what the fuck?" I say.

Jayden starts laughing as he sits down beside me and the couch caves in.

"Oh my fucking god!" I yell.

He just starts laughing harder and says, "Vivian... calm... down..." between breaths.

"Shut up..." I get up and walk  into the bedroom with my sandwich.

Time skip (two years later)

'April 24, 2020

These past few years have been hell. And I feel like I'm just weighing him down. He could do SO much better than me. But I can't complain...

My father has found us more times than I can count. We had to leave the state just so that he'd stop trying. But he hasn't. And technically since I'm 21, I can leave home and not go back. And that's exactly what I did.

I don't know I can survive this any longer though. I think I need to end it for him. Let him be free. Find someone better. Love her. And not let her go.

      I know that's how he feels about me... but it feels wrong to take away his life for my own. So I'm done.


       "Hey, Viv," Jayden says, wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his chin on my shoulder.

        "Hey, how was work?" I ask him while putting my journal away.

      "It was fine. What were you writing?"

       "N-nothing..." I stutter. I don't want him to try and stop me.

       "I know your lying." he tells me.

       "I'm not lying," I whisper, turning around and throwing my arms around his neck to look him in the eye, "I'm not lying," I say louder.

       "If you say so..." he says, unsure that it's the truth, "where's little Jenny?"

       Jenny - short for Jennifer - is our daughter. She was such a surprise to us because we thought the baby had died when my father...

      "Vivian?" he asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

        "Oh, she's upstairs taking a nap." I give him a small smile.

        "Tomorrow is her birthday, right?" he asks me.

        "Yes, Jayden." I say, emphasizing the words.

        "Okay," he laughs.

        "How many times do you have to ask me? It's bad enough you can't remember your girlfriend's birthday, let alone your daughter."

      "I remember yours..." he says softly.

      "Then when is it?"

      "January... seventeenth."


      "I got it right," he hums.

       I roll my eyes, "you are so weird."

       "You like it though."

       "Your point?"

        "I dunno," he shrugs, "I just know that you love it."


        I pull out of his grasp and walk over into our living room.

       About six months ago we had to move here so that he'd stop following us. We bought a house, and it's really nice here.

        Jayden sits down beside me and I lay my head in his lap and slowly fall asleep.

        "I love you, Vivian," I hear him say before I fall asleep.

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