Chapter 6

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After she finishes telling me about Kaleb, I storm out of the room. Minutes later she walks through the front door and leaves.

Shit, she left, I think.

I hear a car door shut and run outside.
"Vivian?" I yell quietly.

I open my car door and don't see it. Could she be in the back seat?

I open the door to the back to find a crying Vivian.

"Vivian?" I say, trying to control my own emotions.

"W-what? Are you driving me back?" she asks between sobs.

"No, I'm not. I'm never going to let them look at or touch you again. Please, come out of the car," I ask her, "Please, Vivian?"

She looks up at me and looks back down, "I don't deserve you. Or your love. Or safety," she whispers, "I'm better off dead." Hearing those words breaks my heart.

"Vivian, please get out of the car," I plead, "I'll pick you up and carry you inside if I have to."

After a short moment, I pick her up and carry her into the small bedroom bridal style.

"Vivian? What happened? Why'd you go out there?" I ask her.


"Vivian? What happened? Why'd you go out there?" he asks me.

"You walked out of the room. You wouldn't talk to me." I tell him.

"I'm sorry," he says, trying to put his hand on my cheek but I pull away before he can, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."

"Don't be sorry. I'm used to it," I look down at my hands and whisper, "I'm used to the pain."

"Vivian, I can tell that your not. Even with all the shit that has happened, your one of the nicest people. You care. You love. You give. You heal," He says, "you fall. You break. You stand back up. You put your self back together again. You're strong, your deserving of a lot of things. If you were gone? That would be horrible. Terrifying. You deserve a beautiful life. Let me give you that."

"Jayden... I'm not as strong as I make it seem. Every day I'm falling apart even more. I'm sorry, but I don't."

"I'm not going to stop trying. I'm going to fight for you. I love you, and I'm not giving that up."
"Okay," I whisper, "can we... talk about this later?"

"I guess," he says.

"Jayden, I love you but I don't deserve a life with you."

"You do though. Even if you didn't, I'd still want you. But you do. Please, don't hide from me," his voice quivers.

Hearing him in pain causes me to break.

I lay my upper half in his lap, "I'm sorry."

"Please, let me back in," he says.

"That sounds wrong, Jayden," I look up at him and laugh a little.

"Maybe it was supposed to," he winks, "do you want it to?"

I can feel the heat in my cheeks and look at the wall.

"Imma take that as a yes," he laughs, "but I won't do anything because you probably don't want to right now."

"I never said that, but your right. For both things."

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