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Donghyuck set the paper bag down on the kitchen counter. He mentally cursed at himself for allowing Mark to buy him food that most likey wasn't going to get eaten.
He realized his parents were not home, making an escape to his room with the bag.
Donghyuck grabbed the books from inside his worn-down bag.
Donghyuck tried to focus on his math homework yet he couldn't. Without Mark being by his side the whole aura was unusual.
His eyes continually wandered around the paper while he tapped his pencil on the desk anxiously. As his eyes moved around they continually landed on the paper bag. He debated if he should even bother trying to eat the food. Remembering how Mark begged him to eat, Donghyuck felt obligated to at least attempt to consume the items.
Donghyuck pushed the chair away, reaching for the bag. He pulled out the bread he originally picked. He opened the plastic wrap, the sweet scent popping out.
Donghyuck hesitated biting into the pastry as the scent made him feel queasy. Ignoring the scent, which was not for the best, Donghyuck bit into the bread. He tried his hardest to swallow, and eventually did, only for his stomach to disagree seconds later. Donghyuck ran to bathroom. He threw up in the toilet, His feet squirming in discomfort.
Donghyuck flushed the toilet and washed his mouth. He walked back to his room and put the bread back in the paper bag, wondering why he even considered attempting to eat in the first place.
He opened his drawer, pulling out a broken sharpener blade.
Dongyuck rolled his sleeve up, quickly slashing cuts near the old ones and scars. He waited till he could see all of them were bleeding till stopping. Donghyuck let out a smile as the crimson color appeared on his wrists. He heard a door open downstairs, assuming it was his father, he quickly wiped his wrists. A slight pain made him flinch as he had done it too roughly. Hyuck pulled his sleeve down and went back to his math homework, more like pretending.
He continued to stare at his homework in a daze, as his father made noise downstairs.
Donghyuck played with his phone before a message popped up from the top of his screen.

Mark: Did you eat the bread?

Donghyuck replied.

Yes, why'd you buy more than the bread? I said I wasn't hungry.

Donghyuck waited as the three bubbles appeared at the bottom of his screen.

Mark: Haha isn't it obvious?

Donghyuck looked at the text with confusion, what exactly was obvious?

What was obvious?

Mark: That you needed it.

Donghyuck's eyes started watering as he read the final text. Hyuck wasn't blind to that fact that Mark was oblivious about his mental condition, yet knowing that one time Mark knew something was wrong with him, made Hyuck emotional.


Donghyuck adjusted his covers, trying to find a comfortable position. He stared off into the darkness, attempting to fall asleep, the same as every night.
It seemed as no matter how many sleeping pills Donghyuck took, he could never manage to fall asleep. The only reason why he hadn't died of sleep deprivation yet was due to the fact he'd often pass out while studying or during class. He'd regularly use the excuse of 'I was up late studying'. It happened so often, the teachers would just completely stop asking him.

Donghyuck plugged his earphones in the jack and put the buds in his ears. He left them there as he had no music in his phone. The only reason why Donghyuck often wore the earphones was for one reason: they were the first birthday present he'd received from Mark.
For some reason, wearing them brought a state of peace to Donghyuck. They also were responsible for the rare nights he did sleep.
Donghyuck had laid there for hours. He waited until 4 a.m. to dress in his uniform, and left almost right after as he did not exactly like to be in their presence. Donghyuck grabbed his white hoodie to protect him from the cold weather.
He walked out of the house only when the clock read 4:28. It was still dark as Donghyuck left. He enjoyed this time as the streets were quiet, the only sound maybe coming from a chirping bird.
The cold air made it easier to breath.

Donghyuck's eyes slightly burned, from lack of sleep, as he walked down the silent pathway. Donghyuck reached the school. He sat down the same wall he waited at. His back slid against the rough texture of the wall. He continued waiting for Mark. His eyelids felt heavy as the sun began to rise. Donghyuck rubbed his eyes as he heard footsteps approach him. He looked up to see Mark slidding down the wall, sitting next to him.

Mark looked at Donghyuck,"You're here early."

"I'm always here this early."

"I guess I have to be here earlier than. "

Donghyuck looked at the opposite direction from which Mark was facing, "How was your first date with Ae-young?"

Mark smiled in excitement,"I can't describe how it was. Just; amazing."

A mixture of envy and happiness came over Donghyuck; he deeply envied Ae-young yet, was once again happy as Mark seemed happier than before.

"I'm very glad that you had fun with her."

Time passed in silence, as Hyuck was satisfied enough with just Mark's company so close to him.
Ae-young eventually came along with the rising sun. Once Hyuck saw Ae-young. She slightly glared at him, he took it as hint to leave. Hyuck told Mark he was going to the restroom, not wanting to ruin the two's company.


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