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Donghyuck began taking a shower as he started getting ready.
The steaming water hit his back, trailing down to the white shower floor. Donghyuck's face remained in the same expression though he felt slight bits of happiness and his cheeks warm up from the thought of being with Mark alone in the dim theater.

Donghyuck even imagined things that he hoped would happen, but obviously wouldn't, scenarios that made his cheeks a tinted pink.

He changed in a dark green hoodie, jeans and black Vans.

Donghyuck plugged his earbuds into the earphone jack of his phone, he thrusted his phone into his back pocket and placed his earbuds in his ear. Shoving the house key in his side pocket, he rested his hands in the hoodie's pocket and left the house.

Donghyuck followed 'Mark's' instructions and headed for the school first.
He walked through the deadly quiet halls and reached his classroom.

The empty classroom was illuminated a bright orange from the sun which was falling into darkness.

Donghyuck crossed his arms on his desk and rested his head on them.
Time flew faster than Donghyuck realised as he continued. About to grab his phone and call to ask Mark where he was, he heard footsteps approaching the room. Seeing the man's silhouette through the translucent windows of the class, he assumed it was Mark.
He stood up as the door opened, a black-haired man walked in instead of Mark. His expression was darkened, though his face and build seemed faintly familiar to Donghyuck.


Mark sat on a bench across the theater. He crossed his arms against his chest as the cold, winter breeze made him shiver. He looked at his phone as time passed, continuing to wait for Donghyuck.


Donghyuck sat back down and faced away from the man.

A whispered inaudible to Donghyuck came out of the man's mouth.
Donghyuck stood up, and began towards the door, as the man creeped him out. As Donghyuck began to pass the man, his arms was grabbed roughly and pulled, sending him to the ground.
Donghyuck opened his eyes, realizing the man was now on top of him.

Donghyuck tried to stable his voice which was trembling, "Excuse me, I need to leave-"

Donghyuck couldn't finish as suddenly the man's hands moved towards Donghyuck jeans, and pulled them down roughly along with his underwear.
Donghyuck quickly realized what was happening and began kicking the man away from him. He screamed in absolute terror as he scooted himself away, only for the man to get closer to him.
The man looked up for a quick second, letting Donghyuck see his face. He recognized the man making his arms feel weak,"Yeah, she hates me, but she wouldn't-"
The man covered Donghyuck's mouth, muffling his screams. He held Donghyuck's arms tightly together and dug his knee into Donghyuck's thigh. Donghyuck held his legs closed with all the strength his malnourished body could use. The man forced his legs open and placed his leg in the middle, making it unable for Donghyuck to close them.

All Donghyuck hear and felt next was the man's belt buckle becoming undone and a piercing pain in his rear.

It hurt. It hurt Donghyuck more than the time he'd held hot metal skewers against his skin, or the time purposing punched a cement wall with his thumb in his fist.
The pain quickly brought salty tears to Donghyuck's eyes. His body felt violated, the pain which was thrust into his frail body every second left him unable to scream.
His body moved up with every push,"Please, someone help me."

His mind quickly lost track of time as it seemed to slow down. Donghyuck's gaze never left the front door, he waited for someone to wall in and stop this.
Tears never stopped streaming down from his eyes. Another silhouette appeared in the colorless glass. The door was slightly opened before the movement stopped. The silhouette remained still, not entering the room as Donghyuck pleaded in his mind for them to do.
The gap between the door and the wall was met and the silhouette of the person walked away.
Soon after the man removed his own body from Donghyuck's. His vision felt blurry but his mind still cleary saw the man walked away. A sharp sudden sound came from one of the man's steps as he walked away and out of the room.
Donghyuck averted his eyes down to see that his earbuds had been crushed by the man's steps.
Donghyuck finally sat up, realizing what had really just happened.
His eyes watered once again, he cried out for help and comfort, knowing none was coming.
Donghyuck picked himself up, tripping over himself several times.
He pulled his underwear and jeans up, and picked up the now damaged earphones. He looked at his phone screen, it had only happened in ten minutes yet it felt like forever.
Donghyuck gasped for air through his tears.

He began to walk away from the school, a warm trail fell down his legs. Donghyuck looked down to see a small puddle of his own blood gather under him.
He limped, using his left leg to pull himself along the dark road. He held his arm against himself as it thronged of a slight pain from being tightly restrained.

After reaching home, he ran upstairs, once again tripping over himself. Donghyuck quickly threw off all his clothes, turned on the shower, and sat in the boiling hot water. He scrubbed his body everywhere the man had touched. He didn't stop scrubbing until his epidermis was practically gone. 

He changed into a short sleeved black shirt, covered his arms with his gray sweater and his black sweatpants.

Donghyuck called Mark, making his voice as stable and 'okay sounding' as he could.

"Hello?" Donghyuck cold hear the coldness in Mark's breath.

"Um, Mark, I can't make it. I'm sorry. Something.. happened."


"I have to go. Bye."

Donghyuck hung up the phone.

The man's face haunted his mind as all he could feel was the pain as if it was still happening, it was continuous.

Donghyuck reached over to his phone and went to his messages with Mark.
His fingers hovered over the keyboard before he gave up on what to type. He scrolled up on the past messages, he read the messages which he now realized were not sent from Mark. He deleted the six message conversation. He turned off his phone screen, and tried to go to sleep, obviously failing to.


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