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Donghyuck wiped the warm tears which flowed down, away. His skin was left puffy and slightly soft while his rapid heart beat made his breathing ridged.
He shifted his legs uncomfortably against he his room carpet as he rapidly breathed.
It was nothing to him, just another useless panic attack.

Donghyuck slid his phone over towards himself and quickly went to Mark's contact.
Just as be was about to click on the screen to began typing a thought clouded his mind,"Messaging Mark isn't the same anymore, right? Wouldn't he be with Ae-young right now? Doesn't that make me a nuisance?"
Donghyuck set his phone down and turned off the screen. His tired, puffy eyes wandering around the dim room before Donghyuck simply laid down on his messy bed.
It was the first time he over-thought about messaging Mark. Usually a simple "Hello" would have seem easy to do but as Mark and Ae-young's relationship became more intimate, it became harder for Donghyuck to talk to Mark.
Ae-young had taken Mark away from him. A place where Donghyuck felt as an escape became a hell. He felt her hatred and how hard she was trying to separate the pair.
It wasn't fair. At all.

Donghyuck tired hard to make his body fall asleep to no avail. No matter how much he tried to sleep, or attempted to eat, and tried to keep himself away from cutting, it never worked. He'd always be crazy no matter how hard he tried.


Donghyuck's body began to calm down as he was wrapped in his blankets. His heart seemed to slow and his eyes were tired.
He looked at his reflection in the mirror positioned opposite of his bed.

"I look like a mess but then again, when do I not?"

Donghyuck turned around, his back now facing the mirror.
He pulled tips of the sheets up, laying on the bed as if he was in a lost daze.
His heavy eyes looked down.


Ae-young brushed down Mark's hair with her palm as his head lays on her lap.
"Are you going to move yet?"

Mark playfully replied,"Is there a problem?"

Ae-young moved her body upward towards Mark, she outlined his face with her nimble fingers.
The two gazed into each other's eyes for a uncomfortable amount of time, it seemed.


Donghyuck rested his hand into his hoodie pocket. His head kept down most of the time as he walked through the dark streets, illuminated by nothing but yellow street lights.
The only sound being Donghyuck's own footsteps on the cement and the cars that passed in between minutes.

He eventually reached the familiar house.
Donghyuck stopped at the front door, hesitated for a second if he should even be here.

"What if he's with Ae-young right now? Maybe I should just leave-"
He knocked. No response came.
Before he began to turn around, almost on instinct he attempted to open the front door, which for some reason was unlocked.

Donghyuck stepped into the empty, silent building.
Donghyuck continued to wander around the setting.
Donghyuck reached Mark's room, as it was the only room which light appeared under the door from.
He knocked twice before turning the handle, an action that he'd immediately regret.

An awkward silence and eye contact was made with a Mark, who was over Ae-young with her shirt almost completely unbuttoned.

Mark opened his mouth to called out Donghyuck's name but was cut off as Donghyuck quickly slammed the door shut.
He quickly made his way to front door as Mark's footsteps and the sound of the room door being opened could be heard.

"Why the fuck did I even think it'd be a good idea to come here?"

Donghyuck ran out the front door, he proceeded far enough where he felt even if Mark did look for him, it'd be too dark.

Mark stopped at the driveway,"Donghyuck?"

Ae-young came out of the building, obviously annoyed,"He left, Mark. No point in looking for him. He shouldn't have barged in unnecessarily if he didn't want to see something he shouldn't have."

"I mean, he used to just come over whenever he wanted. I just," Mark looked over at Ae-young's expression,"Nevermind."


Mark: Did you make it home safely?

I'm fine.

Mark: Was there something you wanted to talk about?

What do you mean?

Mark: I just assumed since you came over this late there must've been something on your mind.

It's nothing. Ignore the fact that I was even there today. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Mark.

Mark: Sleep well, Hyuckie


"He ruined the mood Mark and walked in when I was basically half naked, what is there not for me to be upset about?"

Mark hung his head back,"You weren't half naked. It was a accident, Ae-young. Would've Hyuck really suspected we'd be in that state at that exact time?"

"Whatever, I have somewhere to be. I'll see you at school, I guess."


The following day was filled with a awkward aura. Donghyuck and Mark attempted to talk, every time ending in a unsure silence.

"Mark, you can just talk normal to me.  I don't care about what happened last night."

"I know-"

Mark got cut off once again as the bell rung.
Donghyuck softly smiled at Mark's confused expression.

"See you after then, Mark."

As Donghyuck walked a small sound came from an object that hit the ground.


"Shit, where is it?" Donghyuck shuffled around the folders in his backpack.

Renjun peaked his head over at Donghyuck,"What're you looking for?"

Donghyuck looked over at Renjun then back,"Nothing."

"I can help after cla-"

"It's nothing, Renjun."


"Oh, Mark, have you seen my phone? I can't find it and-"

Mark slid the device out of his uniform pocket. "Here, Ae-young found it. You dropped it on your way to class."

"Oh, Ae-young did."

"Yeah. Is there something wrong with it?"

"No, it's fine."


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