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Days went by without Mark ever properly answering Ae-young's question. He wanted to forgive her, he didn't want to be angered at her any more but he couldn't help it. To Mark; insulting Donghyuck was like a stab in the heart. He never cared if anyone hurt him, if it kept Donghyuck safe he'd do basically anything.


"Mark," Donghyuck looked up at Mark as the two walked the familiar paths to school,"you still haven't forgiven Ae-young yet? It's been two weeks."

"Why? Do you want me to forgive her?"

"No, it's just..."


"It's nice when it's just the two of us."

Mark stroked Donghyuck's hair while he softly smiled,"You're cute, you know that?"


Mark sat at his desk. As he began to pull his book out of his bag, Ae-young walked over. She leaned over Mark's desk, setting her hands on the surface of the desk.

"Mark, please. How long is this going to go on for? I just made one mistake. Am I supposed to be perfect?"

"I don't think calling someone a 'clingy shit' can just be a mistake."

"I've apologized countless times. What more do I have to do to make you forgive me?"

Mark kept his head down in the book, completely uninterested in what he was reading. He leaned back and crossed his arms.

"I told you I'll think about it."

"For how long, Mark? It's been almost three weeks at this point. I'm tired of waiting."

"If you're tired of waiting, why haven't you just broken it between us? Wouldn't that be better for you instead of waiting for an answer that doesn't seem to be near?"

"Mark, for fucks sake, please."

Mark sighed and turned his head towards the window,"After school."


"After school, apologize one more time. Then I'll see how I feel."


Time seemed to pass surprisingly fast as the school day had ended and came the next day. Along with the day, Donghyuck's temporary happiness seemed to end too as the next day he saw Ae-young holding Mark's hand once again. It was the same thing all over again. After two weeks of Mark being so persistent Donghyuck didn't understand how Mark just suddenly gave in so easily.
He didn't bother to find out as it wouldn't change the outcome.

Through this Donghyuck was sure about one thing: this whole incident would make Ae-young's hatred for Donghyuck worse.


Donghyuck scratched the back of his neck while a nervous smile covered him,"So you and Ae-young, are you good now?"

"Yeah. You don't have a problem with it, right?"

"Why would I? Whatever makes you happy."

Donghyuck dug his nails in his tan skin as he held himself back from crying.

It wasn't fair that he had to be like this. Donghyuck always wondered that if he was "normal" would Mark feel the same way he did. It didn't matter either though, because imagining useless thoughts couldn't change reality.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a second."

Mark nodded in response and turned his head around as Donghyuck hurried away.


Donghyuck locked himself in a bathroom stall, not hesitating to let the tears fall from his crystal eyes. He clenched his fist shut and slammed it against the divider in frustration. He was used to this feeling, but this time it hurt more. He had another chance, and missed it. It was no use though, as Donghyuck was sure Mark would not love him if he saw Donghyuck for what he thought he truly was. Crazy.


Donghyuck walked out of the bathroom with toilet paper wrapped around his wrists and slightly puffy eyes.
He rubbed his eyes with sleeves, trying to make them appear less puffy. He wrapped his arms around his book bag, he pressed his wrists against the surface of the bag, attempting to stop any continuing bleeding.
He began to walk to the other end of the hall as Mark was no longer there.


Mark peeked his head over Ae-young's shoulder as she flipped the pages of a hard cover book,"What are you reading?"

Ae-young brought her finger to her lips to signal to him to speak lower as they were in a library,"It's a book about zodiacs."

"Sounds boring but okay." Mark shrugged his shoulders and began to browse through the wooden shelves.

"Mark." Ae-young called for him while continuing to keep her attention towards the pages.


"What month was Donghyuck born in?"

"June, why?"

"No reason." Ae-young rested her cheek on her palm,"He's a Gemini. Makes sense, I guess."


Donghyuck wandered around the school, searching for Mark who was still in the library with Ae-young.
His breathing became hitched and his heart rate began to grow rapidly.

"No, please. Not now." He practically begged his mind to stop.

Donghyuck fell on his knees while panicking for no exact reason. He felt suffocated as if he was being choked.

The rapid sound of footsteps came from behind. Donghyuck assumed it was Mark until the person's voice which called out, "Donghyuck," was different. It was Renjun's voice.

He quickly felt Renjun's hands on his back,"Donghyuck, are you okay?"
Renjun rubbed Donghyuck's back in a circular motion, wanting to comfort the boy.

Donghyuck fell forward as his body and breathing began to calm down.
Renjun stood up first and held out his hand for Donghyuck to take. Donghyuck ignored it and stood himself up.

"Donghyuck, are you okay? We can take you to the nurse's office, if you need it."

Donghyuck bent and grabbed his book bag. He hung it over his shoulder. "I'm fine." He answered and began to walk away.

"Donghyuck," He stopped at the call of his name,"What you just had right now, it was a anxiety attack. Wasn't it?"

"I don't have anxiety. It's fine."

"Donghyuck, if you need someon-"

"I said I'm fine." Donghyuck looked over his shoulder, his eyes pierced through Renjun,"Do I look like someone crazy to you?"


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