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Renjun scooped the blue, plastic spoon into his ice cream, then putting it into his mouth and biting on the spoon.

"You didn't have to buy me ice cream two days in a row."

Donghyuck, who was sitting across from Renjun, scrolled on his phone and sipped his water through a transparent straw,"I have nothing to spend my money on, anyways. Plus, being with you distracts me from other stuff."

Renjun moved his head in a curious manner,"'Other stuff?'"

"It's nothing."

Renjun placed his spoon standing up in the ice cream and looked at the other,"Donghyuck, did something happen?"

Donghyuck placed his phone down and looked at Renjun, who's face was now painted with concern,"You don't have to get that concerned. It doesn't matter much anyways."

Renjun's eyebrows slightly furrowed,"Donghyuck, do you know what I hate about you?"

Donghyuck looked up while a quick silence surrounded the two.

"I hate the fact that you don't realize how precious and important you are."

Donghyuck instantly became choked up and unable to reply. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Donghyuck finally replied,"You don't have to lie to me."

Renjun opened his mouth to reply only to be cut off by Ae-young's hands slamming down on the table,"He's right. You don't have to lie to him. I'm sure he already knows it."

Donghyuck looked up at Ae-young,"What're you doing here? Are you stalking me now?"

"I'm just here for ice cream, is there anything wrong with that?"

Renjun interrupted,"There's nothing wrong with that but, could you please leave us?"

Ae-young rolled her eyes and placed her hand on Renjun's shoulder,"Fine. By the way, Renjun," she slightly bent over,"I heard what happened to you in China."

Renjun became wide-eyed yet continued to keep his expression the same.

"I doubt it mattered. You probably enjoyed it."

Donghyuck abruptly pushed out of his chair and stood up,"Fuck off, Ae-young."

Renjun pitifully smiled at himself,"Donghyuck, it's fine."

Donghyuck turned his neck, looking down at Renjun, "No, it's not, Renjun,"

He looked back at Ae-young,"Do what ever the hell you want to me, don't fucking touch Renjun."
Renjun grabbed Donghyuck's sleeve and pulled it, signaling Donghyuck to stop. Ae-young immediately noticed Renjun's tug, the action grabbing her attention,"So, you finally gave up on Mark? I hope you don't freak out when you guys fuck."

Renjun stood up, pulling Donghyuck towards the front and exiting the ice
cream parlor.

After the two boys left, Ae-young grabbed her ice cream order and earned some judging glares from one couple who overheard her dialog. She ignored them and mischeviously smiled while taking a bite of her ice cream and biting down on the spoon.

As the two walked down the busy road Donghyuck cursed under his breath.

Renjun smirked to himself,"Thank y-"

"I'm sorry."

Renjun focused his eyes up to Donghyuck,"For what? Donghyuck, you did nothing wrong. You don't have to apologize."


"You like Mark? Ae-young said-"

Donghyuck shuffled his body forward while gazing downward,"Don't listen to what she said."

Renjun observed Donghyuck's body, looking at his ears which were now slightly red,"Donghyuck, you can tell me if you do. I'm the last person who would judge you."

"I don't, Renjun. Seriously, just forget about what she said. All of it."


Renjun combed his hair back with his fingers as the steaming shower water hit his skin. He continually thought back to the events that had occurred earlier.

"I don't, Renjun."


After getting out of the shower, Renjun changed into a dark blue hoodie, played music on a Bluetooth speaker with the volume low and finished his homework.


A week passed since the incident at the ice cream parlor. Donghyuck continually kept his guard up when he was with Renjun, out of fear that Ae-young would try something on him, she never did though. Avoiding Ae-young meant avoiding Mark, which was something Donghyuck did not want and Ae-young was glad for, as she wanted Donghyuck out of Mark's life. Renjun was very grateful for it, he never imagined that Donghyuck, who was fairly cold to them when they first met, would be the person he spent the most time with. He never minded it though, and never would.
Though Donghyuck did enjoy Renjun, he felt empty without hearing Mark's voice call out "Hyuckie", it was true to Donghyuck that Mark was irreplaceable to him.

Renjun grabbed Donghyuck's unopened milk carton, which he knew Donghyuck wouldn't drink either way,"Are you okay? You're quieter than usual today."

Renjun poked the straw through the top of the carton, looking over to where Donghyuck's gaze was fixated which was in the direction Mark and Ae-young were sitting.

Renjun sipped on the milk,"Donghyuck?"

Donghyuck snapped out of his daze, cheapishly smiling after,"Sorry."

The bell rung, shortly after students threw away their trash and left the cafe.

As Donghyuck and Renjun exited the room, Mark stood against the wall outside along the doorway, with his hands in his pockets he called out to Donghyuck,"Donghyuck, can we talk?"

Donghyuck looked at Renjun, telling Renjun to go ahead without him. Turning back to Mark, he answered,"Okay."

Mark pulled Donghyuck to the side,"Okay, what's going on?"

Donghyuck leaned his back against the wall,"What do you mean?"

"I mean- Are you avoiding me? Ever since that day at my house, you've been nonexistent. Did I do something wrong? I miss you." Mark lowered his voice at the last part.

"You didn't do anything, Mark."

The two stared at each other for a couple seconds before both of them started to giggle at the silence.
Donghyuck looked at Mark with tears from laughing in his eyes. Mark smiled at Donghyuck, who then returned the favor.

Both of them lived in the moment of happiness, only for the events of the following day to rupture that happiness.


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