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Monday finally arrived after what seemed like forever. Donghyuck forced his sore body to move, every movement he felt a sharp pain as if he was being stabbed repeatedly. His skin had not healed and most likely wouldn't heal any time soon as Donghyuck's diet was still nonexistent.

After a painful struggle to change, Donghyuck finally head out the door.
Arriving shortly after, he hurried in with the intent to avoid Ae-young.
His scratched and scarred arms rubbed against the cloth of the uniform, sending a hot, burning sensation in Donghyuck's body. He quietly winced in pain with every action.

While waiting for the bell to ring, Donghyuck sat at his desk, unusual for him to do as he always spent his mornings with Mark in the hallway.
He kept his head down the whole time, his mind became clouded as all he could imagine was the man walking into the class again. With every footstep by every passersby his mind fell into a shock. All he think of was the gruesome incident which took place in that room.

The door began to open as more students filled the room, shortly before the bell rung and after.
Donghyuck did not look up once, Renjun who was sitting besides him, quickly noticed. He held out his hand and poked Donghyuck's shoulder,"Donghyuck?"
Donghyuck replied to the gesture with a quick flinch, his head shot up. Expecting to see someone he did not want to, his heart slowed down as he realized it was Renjun.

"Don't touch me." Donghyuck rested his head back down.

The school bell rung once again, Donghyuck quickly put his books away and did not hesitate to leave that room. He dragged his feet along the polished, tile floor. A sudden patter of Renjun's footsteps followed him. Donghyuck tiredly looked back, turning his head back around.
He stopped knowing Renjun would say something to him.

"What do you want?

"Donghyuck, are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine. I've told you before, haven't I? You can stop bothering me with your annoying question now."


Donghyuck began to walk away,"If that's all you want they I'll le-"

"I saw what happened."

Donghyuck abruptly stopped walking, his hands began to shake as he clenched onto his bookbag,"What are you talking about?"

"In the classroom, on Saturday. I saw what happened..." Renjun's voice faded at the end.

"The second silhouette that opened the door then left..."

Donghyuck fell on his knees, clenching his chest as if gasping for air.
Renjun ran over to Donghyuck,"Donghyuck-"

"Why'd you just stand there and watch?"


Donghyuck suddenly turned around, grabbing Renjun by his collar,"Why'd you just watch and leave?! You could've stopped him... You-" Donghyuck couldn't finish as his eyes began to water again as they had been for the past two days.

Renjun dug his fingernails into his palm,"I couldn't, I was too scared."

"You were scared? Do you know how frightening it is being powerless against someone? You'll never understa-"

"I understand, Donghyuck. The same thing happened to me."


The two sat across each other in a cafe, the same one which Donghyuck was reminded of the first time he met Ae-young.

Renjun stood up for a second, bringing back two iced coffees and a packaged bag of cookies. He placed one in front of Donghyuck, sitting down with the other.
Donghyuck wrapped his hands around the plastic cup, debating if he should speak or not.
Renjun sipped through the straw, sitting back a minute later,"It happened in China. Due to it happening I transferred here. I slept over at a friend's house that night, later I had to go use the bathroom. His older brother was there," Renjun swallowed the lump in his throat,"I still remember his gaze as he looked at me. He pushed me against the wall, that's when it happened."

Donghyuck couldn't bring himself to look at Renjun,"How old were you?"

"I was sixteen, he was twenty-two."

Donghyuck was left speechless, he didn't know how to respond and wasn't sure if he even should.

"How did you get past it?"

"Transferring here was one way. I never had to be in the house where it all took place. I've never really 'gotten past it', I still feel his sharp gaze towards me and his face in my sleep."

Renjun opened the package of cookies and tossed one into his mouth.
Donghyuck moved his hands down, he clenched his fists on top of his uniform pants,"I don't get it," his voice became shaky as he tired to talk,"if you were so scared, why couldn't you help me. You couldn't have at least called somebody?" Donghyuck covered his own mouth as tears flowed down his olive skin.

Renjun placed a single cookie on a napkin and slid it over to Donghyuck,"I'm sorry for that. I should've-"
Donghyuck instantaneously scooted his chair back and clutched his bookbag. He stood up with a darkened expression on his face,"See you at school."

"Donghyuck, wait-" The sound of the bell on the cafe's front door sounded as Donghyuck walked out.
Renjun ran out of the cafe and chased after Donghyuck.

"Donghyuck, please. I want to help you."

Donghyuck's tears flowed down heavier than before,"Help me? You've done nothing to help me. If watching someone get forced on-"


Donghyuck turned around at the sudden call of Mark's voice.
Mark alongside Ae-young stood there.

"I didn't see you at school today, what happen-"

"I didn't feel good so I left early. I have to go now." Donghyuck turned around, leaving both Mark and Renjun there.
Mark about to call out to Donghyuck once more, was stopped as Ae-young tugged on his arm,"He's already leaving. Just leave him alone."

Once Donghyuck was far enough, he screamed. Hoping the traffic would cover his voice, he cried louder.
He banged his fists against the concrete. His body violently shook, his soft voice trembled. The friction between his skin and the uniform reopened his wounds. Donghyuck sat on the right side of the sidewalk, waiting for his body to calm down. After arriving home once again, Donghyuck locked himself in the bathroom. Donghyuck sunk in the corner of the small room. He held his knees against his chest, his head buried into them hoping a pair of arms would back hug him tightly, but knowing none would.


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