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Then again, days went by. It seemed hard for Donghyuck to approach his best friend without a strong sense of guilt hovering over him. Donghyuck had to keep a "happy face" on, just for his own assurance that Mark wouldn't and couldn't suspect a thing. After years of pretending to be "normal", putting on a fake smile was nothing difficult to Donghyuck. Just a simple routine that was easy to master after having done it so often.


Mark stretched out his arms and yawned as the two sluggishly walked back from a day at school.


"Hm?" Donghyuck looked up from the cement to Mark's eyes, his innocent eyes that were hard to look at without feeling selfish.

"Do you want to go see a movie or something on tomorrow? We've-"

"Yes." Donghyuck clenched his bookbag strap tightly, he cringed at how fast he'd replied.

Mark put his arm over Donghyuck's boney shoulder and rested his chin on the other along with his other arm.
Donghyuck 'bounced' in surprise.

"I'm tired." Mark dragged the words as they came out of his mouth.

Donghyuck leaned his head against Mark's resting one as they continued on the usual path.



Donghyuck opened his mouth to continue to speak before changing his mind,"Nevermind. You should sleep when we get to your house."


Donghyuck leaned his back against the wall as Mark talked about topics Donghyuck didn't understand.
The same students in matching uniforms passed them with nonsensical chatter creating a impossible silence.

"Mark, have you talked to Ae-young after school at all?"

"No, why?"

"Have you tried?"

"Even if I do, she doesn't respond very quick. It doesn't matter to me. Why do you need to know?"

Donghyuck scanned the room, almost sure Ae-young was not near or present. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Mark, it's just I saw Ae-young-"

"Min-young." The familiar soft but sharp tone that belonged to Ae-young appeared out of nowhere and interrupted.
She ran up to Mark, tightening herself around his arm.

Donghyuck was quick to leave as soon as he saw her, "I have to get to class. See you later, Mark."

"Donghyuck wait-"

Donghyuck was already halfway down the hall before Ae-young's grasp and the pain of her fingernails digging into his bicep stopped him.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice? Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe you wouldn't try that once?"

Donghyuck looked past Ae-young, only to see Mark wasn't at the end of the hall anymore,"I didn't-"

Donghyuck flinched in a slight pain as her strong grasp tightened around her nails,"I heard the beginning of your sentence, Donghyuck. And you expect me to believe that? You're not the best at lying. If I find out you broke the deal, I won't hesitate to take Mark away from you. Even if if means Mark leaving me, I'll always have a replacement."

"Mark isn't replaceable."

Ae-young let go of Donghyuck's arm and began to walk past him.
Donghyuck turned his head surprised that she didn't have any more to say to him.
Ae-young walked away from Donghyuck with her hands in pockets,"If you won't shut up I guess I'll have to shut you up myself."


Donghyuck picked at his food as normally did while Mark ate across from him.

"Oh, what were you going to say about Ae-young earlier?"

The pain of Ae-young's nails on Donghyuck's arm seem to come back for a second, her sharp presence made Donghyuck paranoid.
He snapped his head around, his eyes wandered around the cafeteria, checking to see if she was around. She wasn't.

Mark furrowed his eyebrows and moved his head,"Donghyuck, are you okay?"

Donghyuck turned his head back towards Mark,"I'm fine."

Mark rested his chin on his palm,"So what were you going to say earlier?"

Donghyuck scratched the back of his head,"I forgot I guess."


That evening for Donghyuck was once again filled with bleeding wrists and wasted hours failing to fall asleep.
Donghyuck ran his nimble fingers along the newly formed scabs before quickly becoming angered.

Why couldn't he just stop this painful routine? If he was normal he could've just told Mark. He could have told Mark everything he wanted to, without hiding behind a false smile.

Donghyuck dug his fingernails into the thin layer of dried blood. He just waited for the comforting red color to stream down his olive skin. When the crimson liquid appeared a slight relief called Donghyuck's agitated nerves. The same thing that he hated was the same thing that brought him instant relief.
He laid there and watched as his blood ran down his ruined wrist, getting absorbed by his bluish-white sheets.


"You're sure your parents don't mind you staying this late?" Mark looked over to Ae-young, who was in his kitchen grabbing a glass of water.

"It'll be fine, Mark." Ae-young walked back over to Mark, set the glass down, then sat next to him.

She stretched her arms out,"Can we do something tomorrow? Just the two of us."

Mark clenched his teeth, finding it hard to say 'no',"I already have plans to go to the movies with Donghyuck tomorrow. I don't really want to cancel them. I'm sorry."


"No, it's okay. You haven't hung out with Donghyuck, it makes sense. I'm okay."

Mark stroked the top of Ae-young's head, running his fingers through the top of her long, black hair,"You're cute."


Eventually Mark fell asleep with Ae-young at his side who was still awake.
She grabbed his phone which was charging on Mark's bedside table and unlocked it, as she already knew the password.
Ae-young went to his messages and clicked on Donghyuck's contact.

Tomorrow before we meet up at the movies, can you meet me at the school two hours prior?

It didn't take long for a response as Donghyuck replied almost instantly.

Hyuckie: I can.Why?

I just need to talk to you about something.

Hyuckie: What time?

4 p.m.

Hyuckie: Okay.

Ae-young then deleted all the messages that she sent to Donghyuck and received from him. She turned the phone back off and turned over to Mark. Ae-young played with the strands of Mark's hair as he slept. Her soft voice spoke,"I'll make sure Donghyuck knows his place. You won't have to spend time with someone who's that sick."


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