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Mark, Ae-young and Donghyuck sat on a quiet train on their way back from Hongdae.
Donghyuck's head laid against Mark's shoulder as he slightly dozed off. His earphones were inserted, emitting nothing but silence like usual.
Mark smiled at Donghyuck's sleeping figure.

"He's just sleeping. I don't understand what you're so happy about." Ae-young's voice pierced the deafening silence.

Mark looked up at Ae-young,"He looks cute while he's asleep."

"Cute? Isn't that statement a little..."

"A little, what?"

"Nevermind. I still don't get why you had to invite him though. When you told me we were supposed to go to Hongdae, I thought you meant as a date."

"I mean, is there anything wrong with Donghyuck being there in the first place?"

"A a relationship is between two people, Mark, not three."

"I don't like leaving Donghyuck alone, okay? Is that enough for you?"

"Maybe if he stopped being a clingy shit that would be better."

Mark's expression immediately changed. Ae-young looked at Mark, not understanding why he looked angered.

"What? Why're you so mad?"

The subway came to a stop as a woman's voice emitted through the speakers.
The doors on either side of the subway opened. Mark stood up while softly pulling Donghyuck's slowly awaken body.

"I have to take Hyuck home." He said in a monotone voice towards Ae-young, as he left her alone.


Donghyuck's head rested on his folded arms, his gaze barley wandered around his classroom as he watched fellow classmates hurry to their seats.
Their homeroom teacher walked in, too which all the students stood up, bowed and continued roll call.

The female teacher cleared her throat,"We have a new transfer student today."

She smiled and directed her gaze towards the door.

A tall boy with Brown hair walked in and stood next to the teacher.

"Um, Hello, I'm Huang Renjun. I'm from Jilin, China. It's nice to meet you all."

He bowed to which all the students present applauded to welcome Renjun.

"Renjun, you can sit at the empty desk beside Donghyuck. He's the boy sitting at the back left side of the room."

Renjun nodded and awkwardly walked towards Donghyuck.
Donghyuck looked at the boy as he sat down, then turning his attention back towards the window.


The bell rung, to which everyone began packing their books and started their chatter with each other.
Donghyuck grabbed his bag, shortly after making his way to the door.


Donghyuck felt almost confused for a second as he was only used to hearing Mark call his name, though seconds later he realized who it was.


"Could you maybe show me aroun-"

"I'm busy."

"What about later?"

"I'm busy then, too."

Donghyuck turned his head to the Chinese boy,"Why don't you ask someone else here? You're pretty good-looking so I'm sure anyone of the girls would be fine with doing it."

"I-" Donghyuck didn't let Renjun finish his sentence as he continued to walk out without looking back.


Mark sat across from Donghyuck at a table in the cafeteria.
Donghyuck as usual picked at his food.

"I heard you have a new transfer student in your class."

"Yeah, he's from China apparently."

"That's cool I guess."

Donghyuck placed his metal chopsticks down, he folded his hands together and rested his chin on top.

"Did something happen between you and Ae-young?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two have barley been around eachother since the trip to Hongdae, and you seem a little weird."

"It's nothing, Hyuck. Just finish eating."

The truth was Donghyuck was aware of what had happened, as he had been awake during the pair's conflict. He only asked to seem 'less suspicious' or careless.
Yes, it was selfish, yet Donghyuck felt slightly happy to have Mark all to himself again, even if it was just for a small amount of time.
Not to mention he was happy that Mark would take such a petty insult towards Donghyuck so seriously. Yeah, Mark had obviously been insulted many times before, just as almost every person has been before, but Donghyuck had never seen Mark get so aggravated by something like that before.


As Mark and Donghyuck began to walk away from the school building, Ae-young's voice and footsteps were faintly heard behind them,"Mark, wait."

"Go ahead, Donghyuck, I'll catch up."

Mark stopped walking while Donghyuck continued slowly,"What do you want, Ae-young?"

"How long are you going to ignore me for?"

Mark replied with a semi sarcastic tone,"Hm, I don't know. Maybe until now unless you apologize."

Ae-young crossed her arms and leaned towards one side,"I'm sorry for being immature, jealous and insulting Donghyuck. There is that better?"

"I need to think about it."

"What do you mean 'you need to think about it'? It's a yes or no question."

"I can't keep Donghyuck waiting, bye."

Mark eventually caught up to Donghyuck.
"Is everything okay, Mark?"

"Yeah, don't worry. It was nothing too important."

As the two boys walked through several quiet roads, Donghyuck kept his eyesight yo the opposite direction of Mark's being. Mark noticed this.

"Hyuck, is something on your mind?"

Donghyuck smirked for a quick second before going back to his resting face,"You could tell?"

"What is it?"

"It doesn't really matter; it's stupid anyways."

"If you say so." Mark shrugged his shoulders.

The day continued on like they used to; they'd study at Mark's house, mess around. It was a temporary heaven for Donghyuck; the only place he could feel happy. Obviously it wouldn't last long, he was sure of it. He was sure that Mark and Ae-young would make up, he was sure that Ae-young would hate him even more, and he was sure that things could never go back to the same. Donghyuck had taught himself to accept the fact; that Mark would someday not even remember him. But he was okay with that because he'd learned at this point; that no one would ever remember him.


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