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We make it home from our eventful day before my mom gets home, and instead of doing something productive with our time, we watch The Lion King. We're about half way through the movie when I hear keys jiggling, fitting into the lock of my front door. I can tell it's my mom from the fast paced footsteps, that first fleet around the lounge, and then trek upstairs towards my room.

"Toni, I'm home–" She barges into my room and freezes when she notices Cheryl, "Oh hello."

"Uh, mom, this is my friend Cheryl. Is it okay if she stays here tonight?" My mom's shocked expression is quickly replaced by a friendly smile.

"Of course it is. I'm Sadie. It's nice to meet you, Cheryl. I don't have anything planned for dinner tonight... it's been a busy day. Do you like pizza?"

I expect to see a forced or uncomfortable expression on Cheryl's face, but when I turn I see her beaming.

"What is it?" I ask after she replies and my mom leaves.

"What's what?" She questions, still glowing with happiness.

"Why are you smiling so much," I giggle, and randomly poke her.

"I don't know. I'm just happy I guess."

I watch her zone out and sink deep into her own thoughts. I nearly start speaking, but I feel like she has more to say. 

She sighs, "You have such a good family. Your mom is amazing. I haven't met your sister yet but I'm sure she's just as great. You're really lucky, T."

I usually hate that nickname but there's something about the way she says it. "Thanks," I tell her unsure of what else I could possibly say. We head downstairs when my mom shouts that the pizza is here.

"Would you like me to quickly grab a few blankets and a pillow for you to sleep on the couch out here, Cheryl?" My mom asks.

"No!" I say way to quickly. "I mean, she can just sleep in my bed. There's enough room."

"Okay that works too." She smiles and continues eating.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Cheryl glancing at me, but I pretend not to notice.

The sound of Cheryl softly breathing as she sleeps fills the air only 10 minutes into our second disney movie of the night. My heavy eyelids make the decision to turn of the movie and join her for me.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

I continuously talk to myself to calm my nerves about school.

"Don't worry about it, T. Aaron has no right to be angry at you. If anything you should be mad at him. He can't control you. You did nothing wrong, okay? Stand up for yourself for once."

Don't let him control you. Just because I went out and saw someone without him knowing, doesn't mean I did anything wrong.

"What the fuck was that, Toni?! You walk out of school early and then you hang up on me on the phone and then don't come to school the next day?!" The anger in Aaron's deep voice sends chills down my spine.

I keep telling myself to not feel guilty, and that I did nothing wrong. "I wasn't feeling well. Why do I have to tell you my every move?" I defend myself. I'm not lying either, I technically didn't feel well yesterday, except it was mentally instead of physically.

"Do you have any idea how that made me feel? Way worse than just a cold or whatever you have."

He's right. God, I keep doing this to him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You must have been so worried."

I ignore the daggers Cheryl is shooting at me and Aaron. She's not gonna be happy.

In the distance, a huge group of girls are huddling around a notice board. "What's that?" I ask out loud to no one in particular. I look around and discover that Aaron, Matt, Cheryl and Summer are all standing near me.

Cheryl sighs, "Cheerleading tryouts."

I used to love the idea of cheerleading. When I did dance when I was younger it was dream to do it in high school. Everything about it amazed me – what it was, the way it looked. But it's basically a popularity contest and they only let in people they like, it's not even based off skills anymore. There'd be no point even attempting to get in.

"You should tryout." Cheryl reads my mind.

I hesitate, but then snap back to reality. "No. I'd never get in."

"If your worried because all the girls are bitches and they only let their friends join, remember, I'm on the team now. I could put in a good word for you."

Oh yeah. I forgot Cheryl joined. Maybe I would have a shot...

"Think about it." Cheryl smiles at me one last time and skips away.

"Dude, she is smoking. And how come your friends with her, Toni? No fair." Matt sulks.

I chuckle lightly, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Well what I do know is, if you guys ever hook up, call me and I'll gladly watch." Wow, Matt's mind is filthy.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Aaron spits. Oh no.

"Dude it was a joke." Matt explains, but the fear on his face is evident.

And then Aaron swings his arm back and punches Matt straight in the face.

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I hope everyone has an amazing day xxx

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