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"First time you kissed someone?"

A sheepish smile forms on Cheryl's face. "Umm... I was 12."

I laugh, "No, I mean proper kiss. Like tongue, make out, you know?" She goes silent. "You were twelve?!"

"Yeah," She chuckles nervously. "How about you?"

"I had my first everything with Aaron." I mention almost sadly.

"So you guys have..." She trailed off.

"Yeah we have. I mean we've been dating for ages." I explain. Aaron and I first had sex when we were 15, which I know is kind of young, but I trusted him and it seemed right in the moment. "Have you?"

Her face reddens. "No I haven't. I want to do it with someone I'm in love with."

"You've never been in love?" I ask. I find it surprising that she hasn't. She's so gorgeous – so many people must have wanted her in the past.

"Never. Well maybe when I was really young. But I didn't even know what love was back then. Have you ever fallen in love with someone?" I notice her change the subject, turning the focus back onto me but I let it slide. Although the curiosity is eating away at me about her past, she obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

"Of course, Aaron and I have been dating for–"

"That doesn't mean anything though. Just cause your dating someone that doesn't mean you have to love them." She cuts me off.

"But I know I love him." I say honestly.

"Love and being in love are two completely different things, T." She says cautiously as if I could snap at any moment. "You love your mum and your sister and your best friends. When you're in love with someone, you want to spend your life by their side. You can see yourselves growing old together."

I've never thought about it like that. Aaron and I have said I love you before, but maybe Cheryl's right. I know I care about him so much, and when he's hurt it hurts me, but am I in love? I'm not so sure.

"I don't know if..." I start, still deep in thought.

"Can I ask you something?" Cheryl questions. I nod. "Why are you dating him?"

I think about it. "I've been with him for years."

"T, if that's the best reason you come up with about why you're staying with him, then you should leave. You could be doing so much with your life. Don't you ever wonder if he's holding you back?"

I want to defend Aaron so badly, but she's right.

"I know," I admit.

"This is random," Cheryl starts, "But have you noticed you haven't slept walked at all for the past few days."

Holy shit she's right. I haven't been having any weird dreams or waking up with pain or anything. "Oh my god."

"Why do you think that is?" She asks me.

The only thing that has been different about the past two days, is having Cheryl stay with me. "Maybe when I'm with someone it doesn't happen." I say my thoughts aloud.

"Wait, that actually might be it. Sometimes people sleep better with someone than alone and that would definitely be making a difference."

"I definitely sleep better when you're with me." I blurt out.

"I guess I'll have to stay here more then." She smiles.

The natural light pink shade of her lips is so refreshing, instead of her usual bold colours – not that I don't usually like her make up. It expresses her personality in every way. When she has make up on, paired with a good outfit, she looks hot, but with less makeup, like right now, sitting on my bed with her guard down, she just looks beautiful.

Words can't describe it.

I find myself being pulled towards her. She has that effect on people; she has her own gravity that draws people in, without them even realising it. My body shifts closer and closer, and I take in every inch of her face.

The freckles on her cheeks, and the faint ones on her nose that you'd only notice close up. Her gorgeous eyes and her lightly coloured eyelashes that match her eyebrows and her hair.

No wonder all the boys at our school fantasise about her. And the girls? They envy her stunning face and her perfect body. Almost every single of them wants to be friends with her, or wants to be her.

Except me.

I don't want to be friends with her. I don't want to be her. I just want to be with her.

I inch toward her even further, so the tips of our noses are almost touching. So close I can feel her warm breath on my face.

Her eyes bore into my own, making me feel more vulnerable than I've ever felt before – like she's looking into my soul, and she can see every secret I've ever kept, and every lie I've ever told. Then her eyes flicker down to my lips, and she gently bites her own.

My body melts.

"Hey, what do you girls want for dinner?" My mom shouts as she walks up the staircase, and pushes my bedroom door open. Her voice makes me jump, catching me entirely off guard. I pull away slightly from Cheryl, but we are still sitting close enough for our thighs to be touching.

"Oh... Ah-I don't-I" I stutter, struggling to get a single word out. Shit. All I think about is what was happening 10 seconds ago.

"What do you have?" Cheryl asks smoothly like it was nothing. I open my mouth to agree with her and ask the same question but I still can't get a single word out.

"Well I was thinking of making pasta." My mom replies cluelessly, with her signature smile.

"That sounds amazing." Cheryl tells her. There she is, saving me again.

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