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"I really don't want to argue. Just tell me how you feel."

"How about you tell me how you feel," I say adamantly. I agree with her. It feels like we are going in circles, but she just cut me off with no explanation.

"I feel like I have too much shit in my life to justify dragging another person into it." I can hear the sincerity in her voice. She's been around people who pretend to care about her for so long that when someone actually does, she won't believe it.

"Cheryl," I shuffle forward so I can touch her hand, "Do you think I would be here right now if I cared about any of that?"

She pulls her hand away from mine, making me worry for a second before she places it on my cheek. I gaze at her as she sits up straighter, inching forward until our noses are touching. My eyes flicker to her slightly parted lips as her fingers graze over my cheek.

"Cheryl –" She cuts me off by pressing her lips onto mine, eliminating the small space between us. I freeze for a moment in shock, before she pulls away.

"Let's go to sleep," She whispers, one of her hands still resting on my face. She lifts up her unzipped sleeping back and shuffles to the side creating room for me next to her. She holds her arm out, and I oblige, place my head on her chest as she wraps her arm around me. She turns her torch off and we lay in silence. I listen to her soft breaths, and after a moment her arm tightens around me as if she's trying to pull me closer.

The car ride home was almost silent, with only the radio playing softly in the background. It was as if everyone's excitement and energy had extinguished, and everyone had become just tired or in thought.

Cheryl spent the whole time with her eyes closed, listening to her music and her head resting on my shoulder. I stared out the window at the houses we drove past in deep thought.

"Was not!" Summer yells, getting my attention back.

"Toni. Has Summer been staring at Matt for the past ten minutes?" Cassie asks me expectantly.

We have all been chilling in Summer's lounge since her parents are at work. Matt must have gone into the kitchen for a minute.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"Just make a move already," Cassie tells Summer. "You've liked him for so long and I'm sure he's really into you as well."

Cheryl scoffs. I furrow my brows, confused at the way she is glaring at Cassie.

Cassie notices. "Did I do something, Cheryl?"

"You do a lot of things, Cassie," Cheryl hisses. Did I miss something? What the hell is going on?

Cassie narrows her eyes at Cheryl. "You have been nothing but rude to me since I got here."

"And you have been nothing but a sneaky manipulative bitch." Cheryl yells, standing up and walking out of the room. The front door slams. As everyone stares at each other waiting for someone to finally talk, I get up and follow Cheryl out. I faintly hear Summer call after me but I ignore her.

I let out a sigh of relief when I see Cheryl sitting on the front steps leading up to Summer's house.

"Hey," I say quietly and take a seat next to her.

"Hey," She gives me a small smile. "You know the other night when we were camping and you were in my tent?"

"Yeah," I respond. I don't say anything more, I just wait for her to continue.

"Well I thought I heard something, so I looked outside and I saw Cassie getting into Matt's tent. I know that doesn't prove anything but just trust me. They did shit I can tell by how they were acting. And I know they are allowed to fuck whoever they want but Cassie knows how Summer feels about him. What kind of friend would do that and then continue to encourage their friend to get with him anyway?"

Holy shit. I would have never thought Cassie would do something like that but I believe Cheryl. She notices things about people and she's always right.

"The only thing stopping me from confronting her is the fact that I don't want Summer to get hurt." Cheryl sits, contemplating.

"Guys!" Another voice causes us to jump. We turn around and see Summer leaning against the open front door. "I don't know what just happened in there but can you come back? What's going on?"

"It's nothing Summer," Cheryl sighs.

"Okay..." She replies, unconvinced, and walks back into the house.

"We should go inside," I tell Cheryl and start to stand up. I hold out my hands to help her up and she grabs them.

"You know what? Fuck that bitch." I watch Cheryl stand up confidently and begin to stride towards the front door.

"Wait!" I put my arm in front of her, blocking her path.

I duck inside, viewing Summer as she just reaches the rest of the group. I touch her shoulder to get her attention and she turns around. "Come with me," I give her a small, empty smile.

She returns it and obliges, breaking off from the rest of the group who are sitting together on the couch. I guide her back outside to where Cheryl is, who is just about fuming. Cheryl's eyes widen when she sees that I brought Summer outside. She looks at me hesitantly, and I nod at her.

"Summer..." Cheryl starts. Concern is written all over Summer's face. "I really don't want to hurt you, but I have to tell you something."


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