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Thank you to literally anyone who has read this book, voted, left a nice comment or feedback. You legit have made my day at some point and I appreciate it so much.

Thirty One

The three of us walk silently to where Cassie and Matt were waiting for us to finish speaking. As if they can sense the tension in the room, their eyes fall on us.

"Cassie, you have to leave." Summer says quietly, her gaze on the floorboards.

"What? Why?" Cassie furrows her brows in confusion.

"Have you just been pretending the entire time?"

"I don't –" Cassie starts, but is cut off.

"No. You would do anything it takes to make people love you and choose you over anyone, even if it means being a shitty friend behind someone's back. You knew how I felt and you did it anyway." Summer tells her, becoming frustrated. Her glossed over eyes expose her pain. Summer rarely defends herself but I'm glad she finally is.

"What is everyone talking about?" Matt asks, joining the conversation. I watch as Cheryl blatantly roll her eyes in response. He looks at her, "What?"

"We know you fucked Cassie," She spits.

A wave of realisation washes over Matt, then confusion again.

"Guys, not to sound rude but it's none of you're business who I sleep with..." He argues. Summer and Cheryl give each other a knowing glance.

"Cassie knows what she did," Summer says. "Get out of here."

"I'm sorry Summer. Please, let me fix this." Cassie begs.

"I know I should feel bad for you because something must have happened to you to make you like this, but I also know I don't need this. Don't talk to me. At all."

Cassie looks hopelessly at Summer, then pleadingly at the rest of us, before letting out a sigh of defeat. She grabs her pink bag from the couch and leaves, slamming the front door loud enough behind her that we feel the house shake for a moment.

"I just wanna be alone for a bit," Summer announces before also leaving the room.

"If I say something, do you promise not to hit me?" Matt speaks up while looking at Cheryl. She narrows her eyes at him and nods. "Okay good. I'm still really fucking confused."

Cheryl gives him an 'are you serious' look, but eventually sighs. "Summer is in love with you, you absolute fucking idiot."

And with that, she also leaves. I watch as Matt's eyes widen in shock. I decide I'll let that sink in and go follow Cheryl.

"You keep ditching me," I tell her.

"What do you mean? I'm with you right now." She replies as we walk onto the street.

"We hang out all the time," She adds.

"No. I mean, you keep saying we can't talk anymore because you don't want to put me through your shit."

She stops in her tracks. "That's because I wanted to protect you."

"Well that's not your decision to make. I know what I signed up for, so promise to not end things because of that ever again." I tell her seriously.

She shoots me a small smile and grabs my hand. "I promise."


I would have never imagined that Cheryl's huge, fancy house could feel so empty. It has that coldness that settles into a big home when there's only one person living there.

Cheryl starts climbing up the staircase, likely assuming I'm right behind her but I freeze in thought.

"Wait." I say. She stops, clinging to the rail of the stairs with one hand. Her red hair falls behind her as she spins her head around to face me. "Do you still wanna live with someone?"

She looks surprised for a moment, then smiles. "Only if that someone is you."

"I'm in." I tell her.

I marvel at her as she slowly makes her way back down the steps until she has stopped in front of me, looking down so she can grab both my hands with her own. I pull her closer, then let go of her hands so I can put my arms around her waist, bringing her even closer.

"Why did it take so long for this to happen?" I ask her, referring to how we have had feelings for each other deep down for so long but neither of us did anything about it.

"You clearly weren't ready to date a girl," Cheryl's tells me.

"Hey!" I mock offence, playfully nudging her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just mean that you were kind of in denial..." Cheryl comments. She's not wrong.

"I don't know why," I chuckle.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



So I love this book a lot, but if I made it longer it would get slow, boring and repetitive so I had to wrap it up.

I wasn't going to make an epilogue, but I can if people want that ??
If there's anything specific you would want me to include in an epilogue then let me know.

I hope everyone has an amazing day <3

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