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"I gotta get to class," I tell Toni, "But I'll meet you at the steps after school?"

"Sounds good," She smiles and walks in the opposite direction to where I'm headed.

As my biology teacher rambles on my phone buzzes in my pocket. I silently thanking myself for remembering to put it on silent. When the teacher turns to write on the board, I pull my phone out my pocket and strategically place is under my books and out of Mrs Brown's sight.

I thought you told me you were over this. Stop spending so much time with that girl and come home. You're too immature to be living without your parents and if you don't come home I'll call the police.

So my mom is texting me now? And how the hell does she know about Toni? The only way would be if...

Have you been following me? And don't threaten to call the police because we both know there's a bigger chance of that fucking you up than me.

I reply back to her text. This wouldn't be the first time she has hired someone to keep me eye on me.

That doesn't matter. You need to stop seeing her. Do I need to pull you out of school again?

I need to tell her she can't control me-in person. I can't do shit over text. I pack up my books and jam them roughly into my pale grey bag. I ask to go to the bathroom and rush out of class, calling an Uber to drive me to my house-well my parents house.

An overwhelming ominous feeling sends chills down my spine as I enter my house.

"Oh good, you're home. I was so worried about you." Penelope tells me.

"Don't play games, Mother," I roll my eyes, wanting to be anywhere other than here right now. "What do you want?"

"Can't I just want to spend time my daughter?"

"Cut the shit. You. Kicked. Me. Out. Remember that? You have no right to threaten me into coming back here and start talking shit about the people I choose to spend my time with." I spit. My mother's red hair pulled back into a braid reveals wrinkles on her forehead, and her eyes are heartless and reveal cruel intentions.

"Well, now that you've brought it up. I thought you were done with this, Cheryl?" For a second I see a glimmer of true concern, but if this is what its about then I don't want her worry.

"Done with what? Doing what actually makes me happy for a change?"

"Cheryl, honey, whatever is causing your... curiosity, the Sisters can fix."

Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck her. I clench my fists, digging my nails into my skin to refrain from screaming at this stranger in front of me. My mom has always been like this, but enough is enough.

"I'm not a fucking broken toy. I don't need to be fixed. This is the way I am and there is no fucking way you can drag me all the way back to Quiet Mercy. I'm leaving and you're not stopping me." I stomp out of the room.

"You're forgetting something." Her voice is eery and even though her face looks blank, I heard an evil smile within the words that is enough to give me goosebumps.

I'm scared.

"What do you mean?" It takes every bit of control to hide the shakiness in my voice.

"You're father and I are very known and respected people with a lot of power. With a simple phone call I could ruin that friend of yours' family in a lot of trouble. I could ruin their lives."

I narrow my eyes at her. "You wouldn't."

"But I would and you know it." And this time she has the fucking nerve to smirk.

My mother has lied to me so many times but this time I know every word she's saying is true. I inhale deeply, and attempt to speak but I don't know what to say.

"You're going to go to the Sisters, or her mom will lose her job, and everything else."

To do those thing like this, my mom would have to have the coldest heart and she does. She doesn't want me to be happy. She just doesn't want to ruin her reputation by having a daughter who likes girls.

Any other time I would have fought back. I can love whoever the fuck I want and no one is stopping me from doing that. And if I have parents who treat me like complete shit, I'm allowed to leave.

But I don't fight. Because I can't drag Toni into this. Because she doesn't deserve to be involved into of any of this. And I would do anything to keep her safe.

So I let my mother force me to go away to a place that finds imaginary broken things in perfect girls.

Okay so I finally updated.
Please vote if you liked it. Double update :)

I hope you have an amazing day xx

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