If Looks Could Kill

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A bell suddenly rings through my ears, waking me up. It sounds almost like a school bell. The TV turns itself on. A women is shown on the screen, she's dressed smartly in what seems to be a pan suit, her blonde hair is curled a tied into a neat bun, she has a kind smile.

"Good morning residence" She says, her voice is dramatic, much like a news presenter, actually she looks like a news presenter, the way she sits behind a desk. In the background though, is not a studio, but a large window, much like the one in my room, the sun shines brightly through it.

"This is your usual wake-up call, it's 6:30 a.m, breakfast will be served in exactly half an hour. That's all for now" She said flashing a smile. Then she said the phrase that I haven't stopped hearing since I got here. "Welcome to Norwood House, welcome to your home" With that the TV turned off again.

I let out a sigh, and ran my fingers through my hair. I stripped off the clothes from yesterday, I forgot to take them off last night, and fell asleep in them. And threw them in the washing basket by the bathroom door. I didn't really need a shower so I just got ready to got to breakfast.

The dining room is already full, and like at dinner yesterday, everyone was in their own groups. Kind of like school. I grit my teeth, and try to stay under control when I think about school. I see Josh is sat on his own, messing with the table cloth.

As I approach him, I clear my throat, he looks up and once he realizes it's me his facial expression turns to annoyed. He ignores my presence and goes back to messing with the table cloth. "May I sit here?" I ask politely.

He stares at me evilly and stays silent. I let out an awkward cough and sit down opposite him anyway, there were no other seats, so I didn't care what he said, I didn't have a choice.

I look directly at the menu, trying to avoid Josh's glare. I feel myself start to sweat, nervously. I never liked people staring at me, it was one of the reasons why I'm in this fucking place.

The waiter came over shortly after and took our orders, cutting the tension for a second. But the weird thing was that Josh, didn't actually say his order, he just pointed to his choice on the menu, I tried not to stare when he did this.

"So" I chuckled awkwardly. Ugh, this whole situation is so awkward, it actually frustrates me. "How about you tell me about yourself" That's what you're meant to ask isn't it? That's what those normal people ask, isn't it?

He sighed.

"Okay" I hesitated, he obviously doesn't like to talk much, I mean the only word I've heard him say was, yes. Or maybe he's just a little shy. "Well, I'll go first then" I smile at him, to be honest I don't know whether the smile was creepy looking or not, I don't really smile that often. But he didn't flinch or respond badly to it, so I guess it was okay.

I stroke my imaginary beard, thinking of what to say. "Well, my names Oliver Sykes, but you can call me Oli if you like" He looks like he's listening, I expect him to say hi or introduce himself, but no, he stays silent. "Or you can call me Oliver, I mean I don't mind" I add quickly. "I'm 16, I like music, tattoos and Jurassic Park" I chuckle. But he, well he stays silent. He nods and smiles slightly, that's a good sign right.

Why am I trying so hard for this guy? Seriously, I don't even now whether I like him or not, sure he's hot, with his messy hair, that I want to run my hands through. And those lips, those lips that I want to be kissed by, all over my body. Whoa, Oli, slow down. I mean he probably doesn't even roll that way, I mean he's got a girlfriend for fuck sake and I don't even know a thing about him.

Before I could carry on speaking, our food was placed in front of us. We didn't talk after that, well more like I didn't talk after that, I was too busy stuffing scrambled eggs down my throat.

When we had both finished breakfast, we went to the common room like the rules had strictly said. Josh went and sat in the same armchair he sat in yesterday. Feeling a bit awkward and a kind of a nuisance if I bothered him anymore. I went and sat on the windowsill again.

As more people entered the common room, I noticed Josh staring at me, not very subtly, I noticed he was gripping onto the armrests again, his knuckles turning white.

I was pulled from his gaze when I felt someone come and join me at the windowsill. He was hot, but not beautiful, like Josh. Oh my God Oliver, what is wrong with you today. Maybe I just need some time to, sort out my sexual frustration. Yeah that's right, I'm just sexually frustrated, all hot and bothered.

"I'm Matt Nicholls" He said holding out his hand cheerfully for me to shack. I let out a huff and shook his hand.

"Oliver Sykes" I replied.

"So what are you in for" He chuckled. He had the same thick Yorkshire accent as me.

I gulped, nervously. "Aha, rather not say, I get it" He said nodding his head slowly. "You're going to have to get over that mate, you'll have to tell everyone eventually"

"W-what? Why?"

"We have these meetings, where we all get in a circle, and tell everyone our problems" He laughs. Why is he laughing at this, i don't want to do this. I did that with Evelyn, because I could trust her, I'm not going to say shit in front of a bunch of strangers.

"You okay, mate" Matt says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You were sort of hyperventilating"

I let out a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I say trying to laugh it off.

I look up to see Josh, staring at us. "What's the matter with Josh?" I ask Matt.

"Er, I don't actually know, the fucker never speaks, all I know is that he's been here since he was 13, so three years, normally by that time we're shipped off to somewhere else, especially if we're like him" He says nodding to Josh.

"What do you mean?"

"This is a big house Oliver, lots of secrets, lots of dark corners, I'd be careful, if I were you, don't go asking too many questions" He said, and casually walked off.


Dark corners.


Title: If Looks Could Kill by A Day To Remember

Just want to quickly say I have just recently finished my You Me At Six fanfic, so it would be nice if you could check that out, if you haven't already.

You can also help me with voting/commenting, it makes me really happy, and i love hearing from you guys, thanks and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.

Oh and I obviously know that Josh and Oli are not the same age, but guys it's a story.

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