Not Strong Enough

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Out of breath, I lay face down on the now clean wood flooring. I had cleaned everything thoroughly, at least twice, and if this was a cartoon everything would have those fake sparkle things on.

My stomach touched the floor slightly as my top had ridden up a bit. The floor felt...rough, like if a moved I would get splinters. This is when I noticed just how cold the whole room felt. I also noticed the goose-bumps that had developed on my tattooed skin, along with the fair hairs on my arms standing up on end. I placed my cheek to the floor, to lazy and tired out to keep it up, and breathed out heavily, I watched my breath twirl in the air and disappear in a matter of seconds.

Footsteps filled the silence in the hall and echoed into the office. The door handle was messed with slightly before the door was flung open, it slammed against the wall, it went to swing back because of the force it was given but was stopped when the new visitor slammed his hand against it just before it hit him.

The light from the hall seemed blinding compared to the brightness in here, and with the contrast I couldn't see who the man that stood in the doorway was. All I know was that he was rather tall and average looking weight. I know I was pretty tall myself, but as I was lying on the floor he seemed to tower me, even a few steps away.

"So you're Oliver?" His voice filled the silence. He had an extremely kind voice, there was no other easier way to describe it.

I pulled myself up off the floor, standing up gaining height and feeling less awkward and towered. He was still a few inches taller than me though. "Yeah" I whispered, I hadn't spoken in a good few hours, so my voice sounded quite weird to me at the moment.

"Josh told me a lot about you"

"Really?" I kind of gasp at his statement about Josh. I find it quite unbelievable.

"It's not all good, in case you're wondering" He said laughing quietly.

He walks further into the room and ends up circling me. He looks me up and down with every step he makes, whilst I'm fixated to the floor, not even daring to move.

He ends up spiraling, getting closer to me with each circle. Until he stops dead right in front of my face. His breathing is heavy. A permanent smirk pulled at his face.

His voice deepened, became seductive, if you will. "One thing Josh told me about you is that, it's hard to resist your sexual magnetism" He winked. "Do you feel it?" He grabbed my jaw, turning my head to the side. "The sexual tension layered on so thick" Every word was whispered, so gentle, so fucking attractive. "It's like you can just reach out..." With these words he reached out into thin air moving his fingers slightly like there was something there, and if he moved to quickly he'd scare it off. "...And grab it!" He rushed to grab this imaginary thing, all whilst making me watch. He brought his closed palm between our bodies, and opened it, like it was something magical.

He let go off my jaw and just stared into my eyes. I was far too uncomfortable. I felt him lean into me, excruciatingly slow. His breath fanned my face. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips even before they had touched mine. His smell was a strong-sweet cologne, that drove me fucking crazy. I had the need to bring him closer to me, but was scared at why I wanted to do this.

Austin's hands reached around my hips and roughly grabbed my arse. Bringing both our crotches together. He chuckled slightly. But my eyes still remained closed. Ever so slightly, his body started to rub against mine. I gripped onto his t-shirt for dear life, in order to hold back a moan.

I couldn't hold on for much longer, and just as I was about to let the little noise slip from my lips, it was muffled by the action of Austin's lips upon mine.

Now in my messed up head, I started to compare this kiss to Josh's. I was no longer in this manky office, that was used as some fucking sex dungeon. No, I was back in the garden with Josh in my arms.

But Austin pulled back far too soon, and my fantasy came to an end, I was forced to open my eyes. To face the slime brick walls, and cold atmosphere, and no matter how hard and well I cleaned, it still fucking smelt of sex. Does sex even have a smell? If it does this is it, and it's hard to describe.

I realized Austin still had a firm grasp of my arse. He bit his lip, his eyes roaming my body. I pushed him off me. He stumbled slightly, even at his height and build.

My breathing became heavy. I had the dire need to just destroy something. I've not had this feeling for months, and it can only mean bad news.

I wanted to crush the life out of something, destroy it to it's very last hope, make it suffer, even if it wasn't alive. But strangely I also wanted Austin to carry on, it may have been the fact that I was imagining Josh but I wanted to feel him against me, inside me, I wanted him to take complete control of me.

I shook myself and backed away from him. He still stood there biting his lip, mentally undressing me. His hands were suspiciously stuffed in his trouser pockets. With every step back I took, he took two towards me.

My back hit hard against the wall. Austin's nose gently startled to nuzzle my neck. I so desperately wanted this, wanted to just give in to him. But I bigger part of me wanted to run, find Josh and apologize, for what? I don't think I'll ever know.

My hand manically searched the wall, it wrapped around the door knob. Before I even had the chance to take another breath. I swung the door open. The end of it smashed against Austin's forehead sending him hurtling backwards. A string of curse words fell from his mouth as he clutched his head in agony. I rushed out the room, slamming the door behind me.

I still felt the taste of Austin on my lips and tiny bit of his spit on my neck. Guilt flowed through me. And I realized why.

I was in love with Josh Franceschi!


Title: Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica

I thought that was a good way to end the chapter XD.

It feels like it's been ages since I updated this but I think it's only been a few days. I hope you enjoyed it guys.

I want to know if any of you ship Auliver?!?!  (is that their ship) Or is it just Fransykes you want!?!?!

Song on the side...The song is actually perfection and I love it so much so check it out. But also if you listen to the lyrics it's kind of what Oli feels for both Josh and Austin, if you understand what I mean?!?!?

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