Watch You Bleed

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Oli's P.O.V 

Armstrong slammed the gun to my temple a few more times, sending a spell of dizziness through me. This isn't right, I should be the one who has grabbed a hold of him, I should be the one who has a gun to his head, he should be the one who's going to die. 

My eyes were scrunched up, I tried to focus mainly on my breathing that way the sense of fear wouldn't be as strong. I heard screams and shouts from around me, but I tried to block them out, it was all just a muffled mess. 

The only thing I could hear over my own sub-conscience was Armstrong's heavy breathing. Each breath travelled deep within my ear, causing me to flinch. 

My heart beat rapidly in my chest, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else could hear it as well. But one single noise became louder than my heart, one noise that I had heard quite a few times now. A noise that made us all double over, clutching our ears and hugging our bodies, in hopes it would block us from the sound. Every particle of my body vibrated by the noise, every hair stood up on end. 

Poppy stood, her fists clenched, her head tilted back, her mouth opened wide, as everyone cowered away from her. 

The noise forced Armstrong to release his hold from me, his gun bounced to the floor, as he backed away. 

Poppy flung herself forward as the screaming stopped. She now lay on her hands and knees, her blonde hair covering her face, much like when I first saw her. Everybody watched in silence, scared to make the first move. 

Stupidly, Armstrong did. He slowly stood up straight. As he stood tall once more, he began to laugh at everyone else's pettiness. He started to shout at his co-workers, ordering them about. 

I sat with my back against the wall, my eyes transfixed to Poppy, who still lay in the same position, it was like she wasn't even breathing. The gun lay an arms width away from her. Armstrong realized and tried his hardest in acting confident on striding towards the gun. 

The deep croak of a demonic voice croaked out from between Poppy's lips once again, lets say her other personality taking over, and gracing us with it's presence once.

"Such a lonely child". 

Armstrong stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide, either in shock of her chosen words, or the sound of the voice. everyone else stopped as well, watching both Armstrong and Poppy. 

"Daddy didn't give attention. Mummy never cared" She said each word so slowly, as if each word would stab Armstrong repeatedly. And it seemed to. 

"Where are they now?" She slowly lifted off the floor, in such a graceful manner. She glided over to him, The tail of her flowing white dress dragging along the chipped wood flooring, her pale battered feet peeking from under her dress with each step. Her hair still flowed over her face. 

"They lie in a pool of their own blood, killed brutally by their own son" Armstrong's strong facial features melted away, revealing a truly broken man. 

"Did it make you happy, to see the whites of their eyes, as they begged for mercy? Or perhaps seeing their bodies twitch in agony as you repeatedly stabbed them until they became a bloody pulp? Did you enjoy, slicing them limb from limb, tearing their skin open?" 

Armstrong backed away, his face shocked. His eyes flickered, I saw him replaying, perhaps, memories inside his head. He took a large gulp of his saliva. His voice shaky. "H-how-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. 

Josh rushed over to the gun that lay abandoned on the floor, diving to it, before anyone could realize what he was doing. He aimed it directly at Armstrong. 

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