A Boy Brushed Red...Living In Black And White

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The hours dragged, every where was cold, wet, dark, dirty and full of screaming shells of people.

I sat on a dry patch on the dirty floor. My head leaned against the stone wall. The occasional drop of water would land on my forehead, I hardly felt it though, my body was numb with coldness. I was extremely tired, but I couldn't sleep.

Josh was still awake, he tried to hide it but I could here his quiet sobs. He was still facing the wall, hugging himself tightly. He shivered occasionally from the cold.

I watched him and I couldn't help a few tears fall.  All I wanted to do was hold him but when I tried a few hours ago he flinched and pushed me away.

Tears fell due to the endless screams.  I didn't know now whether they were just memories repeating themselves over and over again in my mind or that these people never shut the fuck up.

Tears fell due to the need to scream myself. So I did, I screamed louder than I ever had. When I finished everything had fell silent. Josh had sat up on the bed and watched me. I gripped my hair and pulled on it trying to feel something.

I grabbed the rusty bars and shook them violently. "Get me the fuck out of here!". I screamed between sobs. I slowly stopped rattling the bars, and just gripped for dear life onto them. I fell to my knees, my hands scratching along the rust. "Please" I whimpered. I brought my hands to my face, I felt warmth. My hands were covered in blood, and now, so was my face. I stared at them shaking. I crawled into the dark corner of the cell, still shaking.

"Oliver?" I heard Josh whisper shakily. I heard his light footsteps get closer to the dark corner I rocked in. "What's wrong?" He crouched in front of my, a flurry of emotions pictured on his face.

"Their blood is on my hands again, it's always on my hands" I croaked showing Josh my bloody hands.

Josh got up off the floor, he ripped some of the sack duvet and ran it under the water.

He gently washed the blood off my face and hands with the damp material. He stared at the fresh cuts on my hands. He ran his finger-tips along them. He lifted my palms up to his face, he looked my in the eyes, and gently feather kissed each cut.

I looked him in the eyes, shocked. He let go of my hands and kissed the tears away, that had fallen on my face. His hot breath fanning my face. I felt myself get...excited. Was this really happening?

Josh looked me in the eyes again, are lips moments away. He bit his bottom lip as he flickered his eyes to mine. He let out a sexy moan from the back of his throat. He licked his lips, agonizingly slow.

I felt his hand slowly travel up my leg. He reached my thigh, finally. And squeezed tightly. My breath quickened with each heart beat and my heart beat was racing and was only getting faster with every second.

Josh's thumb travelled slightly, closer and closer to my crotch. My breath hitched and my head tilted backwards, banging against the wall, I didn't care though, Josh was making me feel something, I wsn't cold anymore and the only way I would be screaming his...well, you know.

"Boys, you're being let out" The familiar, dying voice of Peter, made Josh remove his hand, he hurriedly stepped away from me, a hand covering his open mouth, he looked distraught, confused and shocked at what he had done. He ran out the cell pushing past Peter, leaving me in coldness again.

I pulled off my crew-neck and wrapped it around my waist, doing the best I could to hide my erection.

I hit Peter's shoulder hard as I walked past him, all he did was sigh. I heard him lock the door to the cell, and follow me loudly up the hall.

At Peter's desk stood Josh, arms folded, tapping his foot impatiently and a pissed off look on his face, next to him stood Doug in his usual attire and usual dreary, wrinkled face.

Peter typed things into his computer. "You're free to go" He said sighing. "I hope I don't see you again anytime soon". With anyone or any place else, that would of been extremely rude and ignorant but he was completely right, because nobody would want to come down here, this is what Hell would be if it actually existed.

I trudged along the basement corridor, behind the quick steps of Josh and Douglas.

We left unit 66.6 behind, gratefully, but I would great-fully go back in there if it meant Josh to carry on what he started.

"Obviously Mr Armstrong would like to see you". Doug said filling the awkward silence that falled on us as we walked the halls and stairs.

Douglas gently tapped on the glass of Armstrong's door, we were soon welcomed in, and Doug made a swift exit.

Already in the room with Armstrong was Lisa, she looked different and not a good different.

If it was even possible her uniform had got even more skimpy, it looked the size of a children's Halloween costume. She had dark circles under her now bloodshot and dilated eyes. Her nails were chipped and dried blood was wedged under each one. Her lips were swollen and her signature red lipstick was smudged across her face. Her once deep red flowing locks, were knotted, straggly and had been roughly cut short, and not done professionally, it was also loosing it's rich colour, it was beginning to show her dark brown at the roots. Her skin was awfully pale, almost see-through. She was stick thin and you could see every bone even through the little amount of clothing. She looked dead. I don't know what has been happening up here over the last few days but I could tell, she was dead, inside.


Title: A Boy Brushed Red...Living In Black And White by Underoath

OMG dat moment with Josh and Oli OMG, I was getting excited just writing it (okay, that sounded wrong) but I couldn't make it happen, all good things must come to an end (for now) and it looks like Josh regrets it...what do you think?

Also Lisa's back, what do you think had happened to her? help me guys...with the voting and the commenting and the sharing and the adding and the reading!

Just like to say and maybe to take a moment to make you all jealous (I never get to do this) but I'm going to see YMAS and ATL in February! I'm actually going to be in the same room as my heroes, my dad keeps having a go at me because I keep crying at random times, he doesn't understand meh!

Song on the side and you NEED to check it out because it's like one of my favourite songs and ugh it's like ugh pure sex...ok a bit far but please listen to it!

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