Why'd You Bring A Shotgun To The Party

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My eyes were blinded by a sudden red flashing light. I looked over at Josh, the red bouncing of his pale skin, he seemed so far away, or I seemed to be drifting away. I couldn't hear anything over the sirens, but I saw Josh and Peter's lips forming words. I looked away from them to see every cell door opening. 

I not only lost Josh and Peter, but I felt like I lost myself, as the hallway was filled with the insane. Everything was slow-motion and still nothing could be heard over the sirens. Everyone was pushing and shoving, their mouths opened wide in a scream, but they all remained unheard. My clothes were pulled and my skin was clawed at. 

One thing I could hear though was my heartbeat, it felt like it was in my throat, throbbing. My blood was rushing around my body as I panted. My chest felt so tight, like I was trying to breath threw pinprick in my lungs. My head pounded from the noise. I couldn't tell if I was going in circles or not, but everything looked the same.  

My body began to feel like a dead weight, I felt myself sway a little, my vision began to spin. Each blink of my eyes became painful only adding to the pounding in my head. 

I suddenly felt like I was in a dream-like state. Each one of my steps became light, like I had the ability to fly, or hover off the ground at least. It felt like each part of my body wasn't really a part of me any longer, I didn't feel anything. 

Noise was blocked out completely. I stood still, just watching the chaos play out before me, the red lights still flashed, and people were still letting out unheard screams and shouts. 

I was forced back into cruel reality when a gun was fired. The sirens had been turned off, but my ears still were ringing from the harsh noise. The lights were also turned off. But now, now I heard the screams. 

Those heart-wrenching screams, that were full of pain, that would keep you up at night, that were laced with fear. 

Another gun shot. More screams. And now bodies, crashing to the floor, twitching with what little life they had in them. Various people in the manic crowd, wore the familiar white lab coats and face mask. Another gun shot, another body would fall, and another, and another, falling like dominoes. 

Where was Josh? Did he do this on purpose? He told me to run, but where exactly to and how would I get through here? 

I felt a tug on my shirt sleeve, normally I would just shrug it off as someone who's just trying to escape, but this tug was from below. I looked down to see Poppy. She looked so small, so innocent, so lost and...scared. She gripped the arm of her tattered teddy in one hand and the other was grasped around my sleeve. 

He black eyes were brimming with tears, her lower lip trembled slightly. She suddenly wrapped her arms around my legs, an attempt to hug me at her height. I crouched down to hug her properly. 

"Oliver" She whispered in my ear. Her voice was just like any sweet little girl, so different to what I had heard from her any time before. "I'm scared." Her voice cracked. I could feel my heart shattering at the sound of vulnerability in her voice. I still stayed crouched down my arms wrapped around her waist. I pulled some of her long blonde hair behind her ear. Stroking a tear away from her cheek in the process. 

"Darling, don't worry, I'm not going to let them hurt you, okay?" I said my gaze not daring to leave her eyes. I didn't care about all the chaos the was occurring around us, at this moment in time, I wanted her to believe my promise. "We're going to get out, go home, you're going to see your family again, you're going to be safe, everything's going to be alright" She nodded and smiled slightly up at me. 

My arms wrapped around her waist tightly as I picked her up and swung her onto my back. Her arms clung around my neck for dear life.

Adrenaline finally kicked in, I now had the power and urge to fight through, I had a reason to get out now. I just legged it, pushing through the insanity. Luckily we were dodging bullets. 

We reached the door, but still no sign of Josh. 

We managed to get out the door and follow, or push through the crowd that was rushing up the stairs, it amazed me how many people were actually stuffed down in the basement. Hundreds, thousands, it seemed like. We got to the ground floor as the crowd started to disperse and go their separate ways. 

With Poppy still on my back, I jogged through the corridors, but nothing seemed familiar anymore, like the whole layout had changed in the space of what?...an hour. 

Everything was so deathly quiet. Only the sound of my heavy breathing. 

I thought I saw something that looked recognizable and jogged that way, but no every hall, painting, rug, wall, and light seemed exactly the same as the last. I needed to calm down. 

"You okay? Beautiful" I asked Poppy, she had been scarily silent. I heard a little murmur in response, she seemed fine. 

Her little hand came into my line of vision her dainty finger pointing on-wards down a hall. I hummed, "Okay, if that's what you think" I briskly walked, each floor board seemed so loud making my presence known to all. 

I stopped in my tracks, when I heard a whisper. "Oliver!" I turned my head slightly, no it wasn't Poppy. "Oliver" It said again. I saw a door slightly ajar, that's where it was coming from. 

I kicked the door, it slammed against the wall. The light was on inside the room. "Oliver!" It growled this time, probably pissed that I wasn't responding. 

I saw his shadow dance across the wall and couldn't help but smile. Josh. 

"Oliver" He cried "I thought I'd lost you!" and ran to me flinging his arms around my neck, which was kind of difficult with Poppy still on my back. I was brought closer with Josh, and noticed it was the work of Poppy her arms now wrapped around Josh's neck as well. 

"We need to go" Josh's voice went back to complete seriousness. He beckoned us with a movement of his head. 

We creeped down the hall ways, no living thing in sights, which just made me more anxious. 

That's when I saw the front door, and I swear I've never smiled more. "We're leaving Pops. We're going to be happy once again." 


Title: Why'd You Bring A Shotgun To The Party by The Pretty Reckless

You can love me, I updated! I thought I should post really soon due to my lack through the past few weeks. 

Hope you liked it! 

Dedicated to gentlee_ 

Song on the side...bc TayMom is ma bae so's Fransexy so now stealin!

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