Bite My Tongue

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Armstrong leaned back in his chair, he tapped his fingers on the rests noisily.  The room was thick with with tension and the silence hung so heavily that you could hear a pin drop. He took another long sip from his whisky.

"I tried to be nice, I tried. I gave you a beautiful place to live, to be safe, to be cared for, and what do you do? You break one of the most simple rules. Let's talk about it".  He stirred the last bit of whiskey around in the glass  continuously. 

He looked away from his glass when nobody answered. He looked at us, eyebrows raised. "Well?"

We all looked at each other, confused we hadn't done anything wrong! Had we?

Armstrong slammed his glass onto his desk, the glass turns to splinters flying everywhere. As the glass cuts my skin slightly, I try not to wince, as Armstrong stares intently at us all, waiting for a hint of weakness.

There were people like him in school, who'd hurt you physically or mentally, then search for the tiny crack of weakness, then they would dig deeper until you broke completely. Don't give them the satisfaction and that is what I was doing now.

People like him were the kind of people who put me in a place for fucking crazies, so why is he the type to run this place.

My palms began to sting and warm up. I looked to see my chewed nails had dug into my skin so much they had caused blood.

"You all right there, Sykes, nervous" It was hard to explain his facial expression. He spoke through gritted teeth, he had a psyco's grin plastered on his face. Bit ironic that the most fucked up guy in this asylum is the owner himself.

"Let's all calm down here" He said everything he said now was with gritted teeth. He sat down in his chair again, placing his arms on the desk. He looked up at us with his eyes, not his head and I knew now was when I truly felt intimidated.

I wonder if that's what I looked like to my victims, the innocent and the guilty? Was I intimidating to them?

"How many days have you been here, Oliver? not even two". Both Josh and Lisa were sat twiddling their thumbs. I heard someone's heart beating loudly, it was mine, I could hear it as the blood rushed around my body. "And you've already broken two of my rules" Armstrong tipped his head to the side slightly. He made a slight tutting noise, he got louder and louder and louder until it was louder than my heart beating rapidly in my ears.

I still wasn't showing any weakness, or so I hope. And I saw deep inside he began to crack. I held back my smirk.

"I don't know what you mean sir?" Luckily my voice didn't crack.

The room was filled with Armstrong's manic laughter. It soon stopped and he became deadly serious. "This morning, I came and visited you in the hospital unit. I told you lunch was about to be served" He paused to take a breath and a sip of whiskey he had freshly poured himself. "You walked out the room and asked Lisa" He stared at Lisa. I heard her whimper under his gaze. "Which way it was. Remember?" I nodded. "Then it seemed you and Lisa got a little intimate. First rule broken. No sexual relation with guests or staff" He ticked it off on his finger. "Then you had lunch and got called to your group therapy meeting. Both you and Josh" This time he stared at Josh. Josh stared outside the window, not fazed by his gaze. "Refused to answer the simple question, of why you are here" Another sip. "Then you kicked off" I scoffed.

His eyes lingered on me. "I guess this is all funny to you is it, queer!".

"I hardly kicked off sir". Trying to sound as polite as possible.

This time it was his time to scoff. "May I continue?" I nodded. "Josh you followed him out of the room soon after". Another sip. "That was the second rule broken, misbehaviour". Another sip. "That brought us to your room, Oliver. Josh you thanked him, and you were about to tell each other why you were here, and if you did, I would of let everything slip. But no". He shook his head and took another sip. "Then the slut appeared again, saying and I quote, feeling very naughty". Another whimper came from Lisa. "And trying to get some. So you were breaking the same rule twice" He ticked off three fingers. "But that was when we all found out about the fabulous news that Syko over here is a fucking queer"

Josh stood up and jumped over the desk. He wrapped his fingers around Armstrong's throat. "Don't fucking call him a queer". It didn't matter if Josh was strong Armstrong was stronger. He pinned Josh down on the desk, simply with one hand. "Want to do that again" He spat in his face.

"Now the consequences of your actions" His eyes scanning around the room. He smirked. "Douglas!" His voice boomed and seemed to vibrate my insides.

Doug came rushing in, out of breath. "Take these to unit 66.6"

"But sir-"

"No buts, Douglas! Enjoy your stay boys. And as for your friend" He said getting closer to Lisa "She won't be fired. But she's going to wish she was" His manic laughter was all that filled the room again.

Josh and I were dragged out by our collars.

We were silently dragged down multiple halls and down multiple stairs, until we reached what felt like the bottom floor, the basement.

"I'm sorry boys" Doug said, his voice so sweet and sympathetic.

In front of us stood a large metal door, with several dents. 66.6 was painted red upon it, the paint looked like it had been done with fingers and nor very neatly. The smell of rotting flesh filled my nostrils.

Whatever was behind that door, I didn't want to know. But I had no choice.


Title: Bite My Tongue by You Me At Six

Because I'm so evil I'm not going to be updating until Tuesday, I think, I have a reason though, I'm going camping, so no wifi and outsideness, I just want to cry!

song on the side.

Bit of a filler, i think.

Hope you like it anyway...comment/vote

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