Where Did I Go Wrong?

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As always the dick that is Armstrong sat with his back to us. I really don't know why he does it, may be for dramatic effect. I sat down on the chair next to Lisa, and Josh sat on the one next to me, but he pushed it further away, nice of him, he almost fucking kissed me and now he doesn't want to be near me.

Armstrong span around in his chair so he was facing us, he held a cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other, his hair was not his usual gelled back greasy hair, but messy and out of hand. His lips were swollen and his eyes were bloodshot and dilated just like Lisa's.

His eyes roamed each of our bodies in disgust. "Lisa has informed me that the whole thing was entirely her fault, she-" He looked over at Lisa and winked. "Convinced me that I should let you out of unit 66.6" His voice was emotionless. He stood up and walked in front of his desk. He grabbed me by the collar pulling me out of my seat. "But if you step one single foot out of line, you're going to wish you had never been born, son" His voice now was dripping with anger. "Both of you" He said looking at Josh, still gaining grip onto me.

He pushed me back down onto the seat, the chair tipping back slightly. "Now get out of my fucking sight, get a wash, you're smelling up the house" His voice was serious. We all stood up and headed for the door. "Oi! Slut! Not you, we haven't finished!" He shouted at Lisa.

She whimpered and I saw a tear fall from her eye, I didn't know what to do, so I just walked out of the office.

I stood outside the door for a while, I listened, but they weren't having a conversation. I heard the loud sound of a zip being undone, I heard footsteps then the room was filled with loud, deep grunts, more than likely coming from Armstrong.

"I'm so sorry Lisa" I whispered to myself and walked up to my room.

I stared emotionless at the white ceiling of my room. My mind was torturing, it was filled with images of Lisa and Armstrong, Poppy's eyes and her screaming, everyone's screams in the basement, Josh's moves. Even though I lay in a silent room it didn't feel so silent anymore, I was constantly being haunted by the screams of the people who have been thrown away into the basement, who have been locked up and not treated, who have lost more sanity being here, who crave help but are being  ignored.

They're watching us!

Poppy's words ran through my mind once again. They're watching us! Of course, how on earth did they know what happened between Lisa, Josh and I? Why didn't I see it before? But how, how are they watching us, I've seen no cameras, apart from the old-fashioned ones outside that don't seem to work and are just collecting dust?

I've got to tell Josh! I jumped off my bed and ran across the hall, banging on his door.

The door was swung open revealing a naked Josh, with just a towel wrapped around his bottom half, his hair was wet from the shower, and drops were falling from the tips and running down his body. I stood in awe at his appearance.

I finally tore my eyes away from his amazing body and looked at his face. He was desperately trying to hide his smirk, but other than that his face was red with embarrassment or anger I did not know. He let out a growl and I felt my breath hitch. He suddenly slammed the door in my face.

I stood transfixed to the spot, that growl, wow, it sent me into over-drive, his body, I just wanted to rip that towel away, push him against the wall and fuck him so hard he wouldn't be able to move for weeks.

The door was swung open again, this time Josh was fully dressed, he wore black skin-tight skinny jeans, I couldn't help my eyes wonder to his crotch area, god those jeans were tight. My heart was beating ten times faster and I didn't understand why. He wore a simple black top with a black and red checkered shirt over, unbuttoned. His hair was now dry but wild and messy, I wonder what his hair would look like after I fucked him.

Josh pushed past me, shoulder to shoulder. I watched his arse as he walked down the halls.  

I heard the telephone ring from inside my room. I picked it up to hear a posh female voice. "Mr Sykes?" I hummed in response. "Please make your way down to the dining hall, dinner will be served shortly" The line went dead and I slammed down the phone into it's stand.

I made my way down to the dining hall. As per usual I was later than everyone else and it was jam packed, as per usual the only seat was facing Josh.

Of course I wouldn't mind sitting there. I pulled out the chair, Josh was already eating the plate of food that was served in front of him. I noticed that the past days he had waited for me to arrive, and we had ordered together, it was sweet, but this time, no. He looked at me with a pissed off expression. He stood up and I watch him make his way over to Matt. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Josh came back after I had ordered. He picked up his plate and made his way over to the table where Matt sat with his friends. He placed the food on the table and came back over. I watched his every move. He grabbed the back of the chair he was sat on moments before and dragged it along the hard wood floor, the chair made an awful screeching noise that made my skin crawl, I heard Josh laugh lightly as he saw my reaction. He sat down at the table with Matt and began eating again.

Surprisingly, I wasn't at all hungry, I only ended up playing with my food, just rolling the quorn meatball around the plate. I couldn't help but look at Josh a few times, a few time meaning like every other second. He was laughing with Matt and his friends. He looked happy for once, whilst I felt fucking miserable without his company.

Deciding I was bored with playing with my food I stood up and walked over to their table.

I quietly cleared my throat, I got no reaction from any of them. "Josh?" My voice croaked. It seemed the whole table fell silent. I felt their eyes burn my skin. Josh looked at me differently, he used to look at me with, well I can't explain it, it was like he cared for me, his eyes used to glisten when I talked or was with him, now they were dull, his gorgeous ocean eyes were no longer glistening at me, all I saw was hatred in them.

"Get away from me you fucking faggot!" Josh said, he actually said that. I felt my heart actually break, I felt my eyes fill up with tears, as everyone around him laughed.

"I always knew he was a queer" Someone whispered. I took in a shaky breath and walked out the dining hall, trying to keep my head held high.


Title: Where Did I Go Wrong? by Heartist

OMG poor Oli-pop! I feel so bad about turning Josh into an arsehole. But I had to mention is mother fucking sexy bod.

Hope you like it guys...let me know in the comments, or by voting, or sharing, or adding, and what have you it really helps and cheers me up, thanks guys!

This chapter is dedicated to Sleeping-With-AWG because her comments really but a smile on my face and cheers me up a lot of the time so thank you!

Hopefully everyone knows what quorn is, do they have it in other countries? If you don't know what it is it's like a vegetarian meat, that's absolutely fucking disgusting in my personal opinion.

The song is on the side...and guys please check out the song because dear lord, Heartist is like one of my favourite bands they're relatively new and they've just released their first album, the song is from their EP, and they are amazing guys and like we talk on twitter and they're really funny and down to earth and...just please check them out!

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