Off The Heezay

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"Mr Sykes" A voice called from the doorway, it was Douglas. "Mr Armstrong wants to see you". I felt everyone's eyes burning my skin as I walked through the room.

As I reached Douglas I noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his breathing was too quick to be healthy. He slammed the door shut just as I walked out. He lent against the door and took his hospital mask off. He pulled out his hand gel from his lab coat pocket and soaked his hands with it. "Please follow me sir" He said and we quickly walked down the hall.

He was a few steps in front of me, the house was completely silent. It began to feel cold all of a sudden. I listened closely and heard Doug muttering to himself. I hugged myself tightly, getting a weird feeling rush over me.

We were near the entrance of the house now. Doug loudly knocked on Mr Armstrong's door, and waited a few seconds before pushing me in.

Like the last time I was in here his chair was facing away from me. The room smelt of smoke, and very strongly at that. I coughed, to make sure he knew I was there. "Oliver" He said without turning around, I noticed a cloud of smoke blew over the chair as he spoke. "Because it is your first full day here, I'm letting you have a free day, so that means no work. You read the rules didn't you"

"Yes sir"

"Good, good." He paused and another cloud of smoke blew over to me. "So I want you to stay in your room until lunch time, it's unfair for the other guests. Okay?"

"Yes sir"

"Good" He finally turned around in his chair, he had a large, expensive cigar in his hand. "And remember Oliver" He said learning over his desk and accidentally blowing smoke in my face. "Welcome to Norwood house, welcome to your home" I force myself not to roll my eyes at the stupid sentence. What it with that slogan? And why keep saying it? It just pisses me off.

I clench my fists behind my back. And smile and nod, to be polite.

"You're excused" He said, wafting me away with his  hand like I was some sort of flying insect that kept bothering him.

As I was turning down to the hallway towards my room, I stopped, I heard a little girl crying. I looked around but there was no sign of anyone around. As I got closer to my room the crying got louder. But still no one was anywhere to be seen.

I closed my door behind me, and turned on the TV. But the crying kept on going. The noise rang through my ears and sent shivers down my spine. The crying reminded me of what I did. When their cries were all silenced one by one. But this cry wasn't going to be silenced.

I opened my door to check again if I could see where the crying was coming from. But the hall was empty. Just as I was about to close my door, there was a tiny whimper, I looked down to see a little girl beside my door.

I knelt down in front of her. She had long blonde hair, going down to at least the back of her knees. She looked no more than five, but she curled herself tightly into a ball, rocking back and forth slightly. She wore a simple white summer dress. Her porcelain skin was covered in purple bruises and scratches.

"Sweetie, is everything alright" I asked.

The girl seemed to stop breathing, making the crying stop.

"Do you want me to go and get help?" I placed my hand gently on her shoulder, she crawled away from me, her face still covered, but this time by her hair.

She stood up in the middle of the hall, just looking down it. Her head was tipped to the side slightly, her face still covered.

"They're coming for me, for you, for us all" The little girl spoke, but the voice defiantly didn't match the body, the voice was extremely low, husky and sounded like a fifty year old man who smoked two packs a day.

Seconds later a man wearing the same clothes as Douglas always wears came rushing down the hall. He stopped a few metres away from the girl and I. "Sir" He said out of breath. "Please step away from the girl" He said slowly.

Confused. I slowly stepped away.

About ten more men came rushing around the corner, all wearing the same uniform, white lab coat and hospital mask. They all surrounded the girl. Blocking my view. A buzzing sound filled the silence. And the girl was dragged away by her hair. For the first time I say her face. It was normal, cute, freckled. But the eyes, the eyes were completely black. Her body was numb as they dragged her away, not caring about how rough they were being.

A man stood in front of me. "Are you okay, sir. She didn't touch you or anything did she?" He said worriedly. I shook my head dazed and what just happened. "Here take these" He said handing me two small pills. "Get some rest, I'll tell Mr Armstrong what happened".

I nodded my head and made my way back into my room. I sat on the edge of the bed. The TV still blaring in the background. I placed the pills on the bedside table and decided to take a shower.

The freezing water hit my naked body as I stood under the stream of water. The mind still ran through images of the little girl being dragged away. And those eyes. I feel them watching me now. I bang my head on the tiled wall, repeatedly. Trying to get the image out of my head. I looked down to see the water turning red slightly and swirling down the plug hole. I brought my fingers up to my head and felt a new cut. Sighing, I washed my face again and wrapped myself in a towel.

I gripped on to the edge of the sink, staring at my reflection.

They're coming for me, for you, for all of us

The voice repeatedly said those words over in my head.

I dried myself. And swallowed the two pills. I suddenly began to feel weak. I fell onto the bed and my eyelids closed.


Title: Off The Heezay by Bring Me The Horizon

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