Sickness Over Health

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My cheek was left with a burning sensation after Armstrong's palm collided with my face. I cupped my cheek hissing in pain. "Where is he?" He growled. 

His voice no longer put me on edge, I now knew his secret, his weakness, I now felt confident. 

I pulled my legs away from my chest, the cool air, making it's way to the parts of my body I managed to cover whilst I was sat down. I stood right in front of him, our noses almost touching. My devilish smirk probably still prominent. I ignored his question and he obviously didn't like that. From the corner of my eye, I saw him raise his hand slightly. Just as it was about to collide with my face once more I grabbed his wrist. My nails digging into the thinnest layer of skin. I watched his face change, his jaw clench and lock into place. His eyes sending daggers. 

He did not flinch or show any emotion of pain, as my nails digged deeper, or as my grasp became tighter. I began to feel his hand becoming cold, as I trapped the blood from getting to it, but still his face remained strong and in tact. 

As fast as I could, I brought my other hand up to his neck. Before he could react, with all my force I managed to push him slightly against the wall. My gasp got tighter around his neck, just as it had done with his wrist. But still his face held no pain. He closed his eyes, trying to keep his breathing steady. 

"Do you want to know what it's like, to watch your life get destroyed. Because you certainly like to watch others suffer." This time my voice dripped with venom. I watched in satisfaction as his face drained it's colour. He didn't want to admit defeat, but he was just about to cross that line. 

"Oli, stop!" I was brought back to reality as I heard Josh's breaking voice behind me. I turned my head slightly, to see Josh, terror written all over his face. I could see his chest heaving as he found it hard to breathe. His eyes flickered between both me and Armstrong. "Please!" He simply said, and that's all he needed to say. 

Without a second thought, I dropped my grasp on Armstrong, letting him hurtle towards the floor. His smokey cough echoing around the room. He lashed at his chest like it would give him the ability to breathe better. 

"Oli!" Josh whimpered, he began tugging at my arm, pulling me toward the exit. I nodded and looked back at the pathetic man that once stood so tall with power, now hopelessly fighting for his life. I scoffed turning my nose up in disgrace. 

I pulled my eyes away from the spluttering man, exiting the room. 

Warmth hit my body, I looked down and tried to cover my naked self up, the lights meant that everyone and anyone could see everything. Josh turned around, blushing slightly as he saw me, he winked and grabbed my upper arm as we briskly walked through the halls. 

I had realized I was trapped in the office I was forced to clean, which so happened now to be over a week ago. 

Josh pushed me into my room, he was completely on edge, trying to look everywhere at once. I stumbled slightly. Josh pulled my arm, so I was closer to him, he grabbed the sides of my face, banging our foreheads together, I wasn't ready to admit that that hurt slightly, because Josh was trying to be romantic. His breathing slowed down, as I pecked his lips several times. 

"I should get dressed" I laughed lightly. Josh just winked at me, as I turned around to my wardrobe. 

I randomly pulled something off the rack and walked back into my room. Josh was sat on the bed, his leg bouncing up and down. He was fiddling with something in his hand. "Where did you get this from?" He said his voice cracked as if he was about to cry. 

"I don't know, I found it in here. Why?" It was the rusty key I had found in Poppy's teddy, that I had kept by my bedside since.

He clenched his jaw. "Doesn't matter" He said as he stood up and put the key into his pocket. "Hurry up, we need to go!" He said. 

I hesitated for a moment not knowing what to do with myself. Josh let out a sigh and grabbed mt shirt sleeve. "We don't have time!" 

He pulled me out the door, looking around anxiously with every step he took. He pulled me through the endless corridors and staircases, Until we came to the familiar rusted, metal door, with the blood stain, 66.6. 

I shivered as a sudden gust of cold air flew at my body. The memories of being locked in the damp basement cam back to haunt me. "J-Josh" I stuttered. 

He went over to the keypad and pressed in the pass-code for the door to open. I looked at him in confusion. "I work here, I know all the keys, passwords, and locks of by heart." He pulled open the door, and the waft of damp hit my nose. I scrunched it up in disgust.

I took a deep breath as I walked through the hall. The sound of water dripping was still constant, the distant moans and screams were still haunting.

I hadn't noticed I'd stopped, but Josh now stood in front of me. "So these people-" I started.

"These people, have real problems, they weren't as bad as they are now. They may have arrived here with simply just depression but as they've stayed here it's evolved into something much worse and life threatening"

"I don't get why he would want to do this!" I whispered.

"Nor do I, he never told us the reason" Josh took my hand in his and we slowly made our way up to the wooden, scratched desk of Peter's. Just like the last time i saw him, he say behind his desk, twiddling a small knife in his hands, occasionally slamming it into the wood. His beard was longer ans so was his hair. For some reason Josh didn't look as anxious anymore. 

"Peter." He whispered. Peter looked up and nodded. 

Peter's eyes looked up at me. "He's the murderer Josh!" No emotion present in his voice. 

"I know" 

"As if he's going to get you all out" He scoffed. 

"Well we have no other choice!" Josh's voice raised. "Now are you coming or not?" 

Peter slouched in his chair, his eyes looking down at the knife wedged into the desk. 

"Don't tell me you're fucking contemplating this!" Josh said, rolling his eyes. "What have they done to you!" Josh stormed around his desk and took Peter's jaw in his hand. "Look at me you fucking coward!" Peter's grey eyes looked up at Josh, tears were about to fall. Josh's voice softened. "You know what it's like Pete, we can't do this anymore, we've got to let them go, we've got to run." Peter just about managed to nod, still in Josh's grip. 

He released him, Josh looking a tad bit guilty. Peter pulled out the ring of keys. Josh made a little noise to stop him, he pulled out the key from his pocket that he'd taken from my room. 

"You found it!" Peter said in awe. Josh nodded. 

My hand was placed in Josh's once again as we started to walk down the second corridor. We walked past the cell that Josh and I were held in and my hand gripped his tighter. Across the way, Poppy stood by the bars. I felt my heart shatter as she looked at me. Her hands were grazed and bruised, her face was swollen, bleeding and bruised. Her black eyes glistened. A single blood-filled tear fell from her eye. Her lips began to form a smile, a normal smile, one that a little girl should have. 

"Don't worry Oli, we're going to save her" Josh whispered. "We're going t save all of them" 

Peter butted in, "It's about time we did" He sighed. 

We came to the end of the hall, finally. A large metal box was attached to the stone wall. It had one keyhole in the middle of it.

"Ready" Josh whispered. He slotted the key into the hole and turned it. The basement was suddenly filled with an ear piercing sound of sirens. "Oliver" Josh screamed over the sound. "Get ready to run!"  


Title: Sickness Over Health by While She Sleeps

Sorry it's taken me ages to write this, once again! I have so much art course work, it's driving me insane!

Hope you liked it guys! 

Dedicated to Sleepwalking69

Song on the side...One of my favourite bands, I might be going to see them next year as well! Love them!

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