Chapter 40:

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Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in like a month, or two... I'm sorry, babes. So like two weeks ago, I found out that... I get to see my sunshine, my everything. I get to see Michael Clifford. Yes, I know this fanfic is about Luke and my other one is about Ashton, those were like when I wasn't sure who I liked most.. but I definitely love love love Michael. Anyhow, last Tuesday, I wasn't feeling so good. My mom took my to the doctors and they were pretty sure it was appendicitis, I got a CAT scan, that's exactly what it was. I went into sirfery that night tada, I no longer have an appendix. So that's that.. I get to see 5sos and 1d in five days.

Luke's Point of View

It's a dm... from her..

I open it and it reads "Luke. I woke up without you there, or anything left of you. When I woke up, I thought you were Emile.. you weren't, you were gone. She had to tell me, you didn't leave anything for me. Not even a note, a simple handwritten note, Luke. I'm just really upset right now, I just woke up from a coma. I'm sorry, you don't have to respond, but I guess I'm just angry"

I read it and sigh, rubbing my face. "I'm so stupid."

"Mate, no you're not. We have sound check in a few..." Ashton says standing up and leaving the back lounge

I stand up and put my phone in my back phone, slipping my flannel on and leaving the tour bus.

Grace's Point of View

I continue to look at my screen, seeing if he read it, he did... but he doesn't respond... I just guess he doesn't want to talk to me.

Closing my laptop, I go downstairs and Emile is sitting on the couch.

"Uh. Hey.. I'm sorry about early" I shrugs going into the kitchen

Emile nods "I don't really care, its all true what you said" she shrugs

"I was out of line" I say grabbing a juice and going back into the lounge, sitting next to her

Emile kinda chuckles "I guess you were, but you had and have every right to be"

I nod and open my grape juice, taking a swig. "We should go see a movie tonight"

"Yeah, okay. but I need a shower, I'll be back" she says standing up and going to take a shower

My phone vibrates and I pick it up, it's a notification from Instagram. A girl commented on my selfie, with Luke

It reads "Ew. He likes a fat, ugly girl like you? uh no, that's why he left you while he went on tour. haha"

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