Chapter 26

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He just kind of sits there, so I lean in. I put my lips on his, they feel perfect against mine. He kisses back softly and then we both pull away. "We should get going. They will wonder were we are." He says pulling out. "Yeah." I say smiling. "Can I turn some music on?" I ask. "Of course." He replies smiling. I get on my YouTube and start playing a cover of Heartbreak Girl. "Who's singing this?" He ask curiously. "I'm not telling you." I say smiling. "Do I know this person?" "Yes." "This is a girl, correct?" "Correct" "Does she sing a lot?" He says looking at the road. "On YouTube, yes, other places, not so much." "What does she look like?" "I will tell you one thing." I say smirking at him. "Freckles. And brown eyes. That's all I'm telling you." I say as we pull into the driveway. He turns off the car and looks at me. "It's.. YOU!" He says tickling me. "AH! LUKE! STOP!" I say between laughs. "Nope. Is it you?!" He says tickling me. "YES! IT'S ME!! AHH STOP!" I try to get out of his tickling hands and he stops. I'm breathing heavily from laughing. "Don't. Ever. Tickle. Me. Again." I say as he opens my door. He picks me up, piggy back style. He takes me to the door since it's upstairs. I knock on the door and Calum answers. "What the hell took you so long?" He says looking at us. "Oh I played a song and he wanted to know who it was, but I didn't want to tell him, so he was guessing." I say smiling. He carries me inside and disappears to get my wheelchair. "What song?" He says raising an eyebrow. "This one." And I start the song. "Hey, that's our song. But who's singing it?" Mikey says. "I don't know, but she's good." Ashton replies. Luke walks through the door. "Who is this girl?! Her voice is perfect! I love it!" Calum says looking at me. "Guys. You're looking at who is singing.." Luke says closing the door. "What? No way! You sing?!" They all look at me fascinated. "Do you tell them anything Luke?" I say looking at him. "Uh." He says shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah. I sing. That's how I broke my ankle. Cause genius here, made me get on stage. Then I got distracted and fell." I say laughing. "Can we hear you sing?" Calum spits out. "Uh. Um. Maybe.." I say blushing. "COME ON!!" Mikey and Ashton chant. "FINE! Just shut up!" I say awkwardly.

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