Chapter 45:

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Grace's Point of View

I bite my lip, as security leads me backstage to get up on stage..

All I can think is "Stay calm. You're fine. He doesn't recognize you, maybe other people don't. You're fine"

As I walk on stage Luke is smiling largely at me, but before he can say anything Ashton wraps me in a hug. Oh hell.

He whispers into my ear "How ya been?"

I blush and respond, sighing "Okay, my old boyfriend doesn't even realize who I am."

I can tell he frowns, but he moves away and as soon as he does, I'm engulfed in a hug with Michael. Is this ever going to end?

"It's so good to see you, you look great. I missed you" he whispers and pulls away. Calum follows in pursuit and whispers "It's been awhile... sorry about Luke love"

I nod and pull away to a confused Luke

Luke's Point of View

The girl, she gets on stage, and I'm pretty sure she's scared half to death as Ashton practically tackles her in a hug. He must've whispered something to her cause she blushes and says something back, each of the boys do the same. Who is she?

As soon as she's released she looks at me and her eyes widen and she looks at her feet.

"Hi. What's your name?" I ask smiling

She blushes and says a name quietly to where I can't hear

"You have to speak up love" I chuckle slightly

She looks up and says "Uh.. I'm Grace.. Hi."

Grace bites her lip "Uh.. can I go back down there now? There's. Uh. No reason for me to like uh. Be up here" she stutters and trips over her words

"NOOOOO!" The boys say and once again, I'm confused

Ashton comes up behind her and wraps an arm around her waist and rest his chin on her shoulder "Come backstage with us. Pleeeaaseee Grace"

She rolls her eyes and sighs saying something incoherent to my ears, but she nods

He smiles and picks her up, running back stage with her, but then running back out and saying "THANK YOU NASHVILLE! YOU WERE AMAZING AND EXTREMELY LOUD! WE LOVE YOU!" He slightly bows, but he's got Grace over his shoulder so he can't really and then runs back.

I chuckle "goodnight Nashville!" We all say and walk out to back stage.

Grace, hm? She's pretty and looks familiar, and that name... goodness. Where do I know her from... oh hell.

It's her. It's Grace.. Grace Stephens. I know who she is.

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