Chapter 33

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Luke's POV

She said she loves me.

I need to tell her sonething though.. I have to, if I don't I'll regret it.


"Yeah Luke?"

"I need to tell you something" I say pulling away from our embrace.

She nods her head and puts her hair up into a messy bun. God. She is so gorgeous, I love her so much.

"Grace... while you were knocked out from the shock, the boys and I got our own little shock." I say as I try and think of how to break the news to her...

"We, 5 seconds of summer, are go-going on t-tour.. with one-"

"LUKE THAT'S FANTASTIC! OH MY GOD I'M SO PROUD!" she screams cutting me off.

Obviously she doesn't realize the sad part.. She can't come with me on tour..

"Luke! Why aren't you happy?" she asks with worry present in her voice.

"Grace.. you- you can't" I all I sputter out before the tears come, running out of the room I realize something.

I told her I loved her, now I'm leaving her... like everyone else.

"Luke! Where you going?" Emile yells out.

Then I hear foot steps and a familiar voice accompanies them.

"Luke, please come here" she says trying to match my speed, but then...

there is a thud.

Even though I know what I'm going to witness, I turn back scared. Emile is sitting next to Grace's body on the floor, she wasn't supposed to be active. Her legs couldn't carry her body, she was too tired. I run back to her limp body and see panic in Emile's piercing blue eyes. 

Picking up her body is a simple task, she's so light. Nurses begin to rush at me as I'm carrying her back to her room. They take her from my grips, put her on a bed and rush her off somewhere. As soon as she's out of sight, I begin to cry again.

"Luke?" Emile says so quietly I barely heard it.

I turn around and her face falls, even more than it already was. In all honesty, Emile looked like one of those sister who would beat the crap out of you if you hurt her little angel's heart, no matter your size. Dang, she was so intimidating and I was scared, even though I was a foot taller than her. Her eyebrow game didn't help either, she had mad eyebrow game. They make her look angry.

"Luke, why did you run out of the room?" another familiar voice says.

"I told her about tour and she got really happy, I-I tried to tell her that she-she can't come... but I couldn't. I told her I loved her and now I'm leaving her, I'm no better than the other people." I say pulling at my hair.

"Oh." three voices say in unison but two sets of eyes are starting at me, like they are staring into my soul.

"You're joking me Luke." Emile says firmly.

I can't do anything, but shake my head side to side. Then she lunges at me, luckily Michael grabbed her before she could get to me.

My suspicions of her kicking my butt were confirmed.

After she calms down everyone then realizes that they have no clue who she is.

"So, uh.. Darn, I'm scared to ask you a question you just lunged at my best mate. You're only 5'4, but damn are you intimidating." Michael says.

"Don't worry, it was just a natural response for me. She's my baby sister." she responds.

"Oh. You're her sister, she never mentioned a sister." Calum says.

"Well... I could understand why.. I left her after dad died, but we were best friends.. Actually after dad died she closed off, after awhile I figured there was nothing I could so I left." she says as a tear slides down her cheek.

My natural instinct is to wipe it, but Calum does it. She swats his hand away and be playfully looks hurt. The corners of her mouth turn up slightly but then go back down.

"How old are you?" Calum asks, obviously out of curiosity.

"I'm not that much older than Grace, but I'm 18." she says, running a hand through her short, thick, black hair.

"Oh." We all say.

"Ms. Stephens?" a voice says from behind us.

We all stand there like idiots.

"Oh, my last name isn't Stephens. It's Doon. Here." she says handing them her ID.

The doctor examines it, nods and hands it back to her.

"Well, Ms. Doon, please come with me."he says with a welcoming smile, almost too welcoming.

She nods and follows him down the hall and takes a left turn, out of our sight.



Sorry if you hate me for the cliff hanger...

I think you'll hate me even more later on in the story so yeah.

Tell me what you think is going to happen?

xx Grace

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