Chapter 32

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Grace's POV

I wake up to see a person I haven't seen side I was about to be fifteen.. Emile. She was standing here in my hospital room and I didn't know why. I never knew why she abandoned me.... we were so close. I never saw her as my sister, I saw her as my best friend. She was always there for me, that is until dad died.. I don't know if it was for her own good or if it was for mine, she never told me. One day she just left.. I guess I could see why though, I closed everyone out, turned to music and... scarring my pale skin and then filling my body with intoxins.. When dad died my body grieved in its own ways, drugs, alcohol, and cutting... I couldn't take it anymore  the only person I thought that understood abandoned me and is now standing in front of me.
"Emile?" My voice comes out strained and weak. Before I knew it the familar feeling of her arms around my body as I cried took over me. She told me everything was ok now that she was here. Luke sat there watching us cry in each other's arms. Something about him seemed must've been something Emile said. Hopefully nothing about my drug and alcohol issues, he already knew about my cutting.. Emile pulls away andb puts her thumbs under my eyes, caressing my face with her hands. She gently wipes my tears away then takes my wrist in her hands. A gasp escapes her trembling lips.
"Grace, please tell me you didn't go back to drugs and alcohol too. please?"

Luke's face has this look of being shocked but also had a look of sadness.
"No. I didn't Emile, only scarring my wrist. It's nothing to worry about.." I say pulling my hands away from her.

"God Dang it Grace! It is something to worry about! I can't stand to see someone I love do this to themselves! When you hurt yourself out pains my heart. You're so beautiful and perfect, things happen for a reason. I don't know the reason why your parents why people tell you that they love you and leave. It makes no sense because you don't deserve this emotional stress because then you out your body through physical stress and I can't stand it anymore!" Luke yells...
He..he said he l-loves me..
"You said.... you love me.. Please don't lie, I can't take another lie." I say running my thumb over my scars.

"I'm not lying, I love you Grace Harlow Stephens. I love you with all my heart.." He whispers as he walks up to me and hold my wrist. He holds them and kisses each scar..

"I love you too, Lucas Robert Hemmings"

"I'm gonna be in the hall.." Emile says walking out of the room.

"I'm so in love with you, and your scars, and your past. I just don't want you to scar your wrist even worse. I'm sorry I wasn't there for each of these scars.-
Luke you weren't here, you didn't know me. Please don't beat yourself up."
I interrupt him.
"I knew you... Your YouTube channel, my Lord. The boys and I loved it. That's why we actually came down here, because it's where you are.." He says kissing my cheek.

They knew who I was before they came down..
"Grace. We came down here in hopes of meeting you, but we had no idea where that would happen so I just got a job and you came in and I met you. We were going to do a gig in hopes you were a fan, but we weren't sure.."
he says grinning like he did when I first saw him.

"Aw. I just can't believe you came from Australia just to meet me... That's-that's astonishing.. I love you, so much. I really do." I say blushing.
"Good. Because I love you too." He mumbles before kissing me.

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