Chapter 42:

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Hey guys.
It's crazy, I have 1.2k reads. So, thank you for reading my boring story, but yeah.
Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've been busy.
On 8/5/14 I had my appendix take out..  that was fun. heh
Then on 8/19/14 I saw 5sos and it was so perfect, I got to see my sunshine and yeah. so..
You might hate me, but I'm skipping to the concert day in the chapter meaning there will be like 5 chapters left.... but I will then start my other book. Problems A B & C  you should go check it out. heh x Grace

Grace's Point of View

I wake up, today's the day. Today I get tk see him.. I get to see them. We haven't talked ever since the last time I dm'ed him, which was months ago. The hate has died down, nothing I can't handle. Needing a shower, I get up and take a shower. I picked out my outfit the night before.

Black high waisted shorts, a sex pistols crop top, and a red and black flannel to go around my waist, with black vans.

I get out of the shower and put on my clothes, blow drying my hair and then fishtailing it, my hair has grown a lot in the last four months, it's now down to my waist. I look kinda different now, long hair, I've grown taller, gotten a little skinner and got rid of my ombre.

Grabbing my ticket, my meet and greet  pass, money and phone, then head out to the car. I plug in my phone and finally play the band I'm going to see, as I drive to Nashville.

Luke's Point of View

Nashville is very excited tonight, my phone has been going off all day with notifications about tonight's concert. I walk into the lounge and see Michael on his phone, I plop down next to him.

"whatcha doing mike?"

He looks up and then looks back down "Editing a picture"

I try and look at it, but he just moves "Can I see?"

He shakes his head no and goes to his bunk "Ugh." I say and then lay down, getting on my phone

Ashton comes in "Hey mate, ready for tonight?"

"why is everyone so excited and acting weird?"  I ask sitting up

Ashton looks at me like I'm stupid "I can't believe you" he says and goes to his bunk

What am I missing? Did I forget something? Please, someone tell me.

It's time for soundcheck, so I stand up and go to the stage with the other boys.

Calum approaches me "Ya ready to rock tonight?"

I sigh heavily "what's so important about tonight?!"

He looks at me the same way Ashton did "it's Tennessee man"

I shrug "so?," he just turns and walks off stage. Guess sound check is over

Sorry it's a short chapter... x Grace

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