Authors Note

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Hello my friends! Welcome to my book!

First off, I would like to tell you that as I write this note, I am very tired and if it doesn't make any sense...
Good. Because that's my brain.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha kidding!
Not about the tired part. I am really tired.

Anyway. Welcome to Hannah! My first 'Bones' fanfiction. That doesn't include my one-shot book.

Anyway. This book started with a request in my other book. This was requested by @Phanvas who created Hannah Price and gave me something to write.

The idea of turning it into an actual book was suggested by @
Thank you for saying I should do it. I was literally sitting there, contemplating about it.

So here it is.
I've titled it 'Hannah' for now because I dunno what else to name it. It works so... Eh.

So my friends, my fellow squinterns, my amazing Bones fans, my lovely readers. Do enjoy the nonsense that comes out of my brain. Comment, vote, share... give me feedback but don't hate! Hateful comments will NOT BE tolerated. I have a short fuse and a lot of emotion and I'll be damned if i see hate in this book from anyone.

On a lighter note, lemme introduce myself to those who don't know me.

My name is Bree. I'm 20, in love with writing and smitten with my boyfriend (who reminds me of Agent Aubrey....). I'm a student nurse who lacks in sleep, is terrible at math, is made 90% of caffeine and 20% of tea, water and food.

AND I thought I should mention that this book doesn't follow the one shots I've put in my Bones one shot book. This one has a more... linear timeline.

Okie dokie. I think that that's all.

Now, onwards!


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