Chapter Ten : Really Sweet on You

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So  I've been thinking, which happens a lot more than people realise  (glares at boyfriend and boss), that we all seem to love Hannah. Very much.
And I'm really sad to be ending this book in ten chapters and an epilogue. I'm gonna miss Hannah...

But what if I told you that I've had an idea. An idea I'll probably regret later but seems great now!

But I need to ask. In theory, if I planned a book two... Sweets or Aubrey?

And if, theoretically, I did do this, would you guys like to do a small competition to, say, have a character of your design as the main character?

Think on it. Get back to me.


Chapter Ten: Really Sweet on You

It was late November now and Booth had taken to sleeping on Hannah's guest room in two weeks since she had been discharged from the hospital. The whole team had taken to keeping her company during the day, calling or randomly popping in. Sweets usually came at lunch time, bags of Chinese or Italian for them to eat. Brennan would  call to let Hannah know what was going on at the Jeffersonian, keeping Hannah busy as she gave her input on the odd case that popped up. Hodgins and Angela came over as well, sometimes together, sometimes apart but both of them cheered her up immensely.

"Booooooth." Hannah groaned as he appeared just as she was about to stand. "You don't need to hover like a mother duck."
"But you're supposed to rest. Rest means not standing."
"But my butt hurts." Booth rolled his eyes and disappeared into the kitchen. Hannah heard the fridge door open and then close. Booth reappeared with two beers and the box of pizza that Sweets had brought but they hadn't eaten. Mainly because Hannah fell asleep before they could eat but also because they talked for so long that neither of them were very hungry.

"I can't do anything about that, Han."
"You can let me stand up."
"Not gonna happen, amigo." She sighed and took the beer and rested back on  the couch. She took a swig of the beer and pulled a face.

Booth grabbed the remote and turned it on, Hannah grabbing a slice of pizza and watching the side of his face as he watched the game that was on.

Booth had forced Hannah into letting him stay with her. Forced as in he asked and she jumped at him being there and not being home alone. She had developed a small fear of being alone at night even though she knew that there was no way that Taffet was going to grab her and dump her in a soon-to-be destroyed building. Sweets, who had eagerly jumped at the chance to help his friend, was helping her work her way through it but for so reason, he kept bringing up her past that she DIDN'T want to talk about. He always frowned when she drove around it and went to the original conversation but he didn't stop her.
He had also tried to talk about Hannah and Booths developing working, and personal, relationship. Hannah, however hard she had tried to deny it, she had started to notice the little things and couldn't help but notice things that Sweets had pointed out.


"You're the only person, besides Doctor Brennan and Saroyan, that he doesn't argue with."
"Thats because I'm his partner and yes, we do argue."
"About what?"
"..... Dinner? Me walking, me showering-"
"Yeah, apparently it's dangerous with a broken foot. What he doesn't know is that I sit down in the shower and just stick my foot out the side." Sweets sighed and forked a piece of chicken.

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