Chapter Ninteen: If the Price is right

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Chapter Nineteen: If the Price is right

Gus pulled into the Jeffersonian carpark alongside Hannah's car and turned the ignition off. The two hadn't said a word since they had left Miles at the prison and the weight of how they were feeling was palpable.

For the first time in a long time, Hannah had felt a quiet peace in regards to Miles. A peace that Booth, damn him, had been right about. Gus rubbed his eyes with his hands and leaned back in his seat, the dark blanket of night beginning to settle around them.

"That was..."
"That's one word for it." Hannah murmured as she undid her seatbelt so that she could face her brother properly. "I honestly didn't think you had it in you, Gus. I thought it was going to be me that exploded at him." Gus snorted.

"That was a bit of a shock. You always were prone to explosive verbal outbursts." Hannah laughed and the tension loosened as Gus smiled. "How are you feeling?" Hannah shrugged and she looked past Gus, staring at the rising crescent moon. There wasn't much to feel really. She felt numb but then at the same time, she felt sort of relieved at the fact that she had gone to see Miles. Relieved that she had seen him and had said what she had wanted to say. 

"I'm okay. I'll be better later, I guess. Bit of a surprise when he apologized."
"Surprised is a nice word for it." Gus shook his head. "When he said that, I couldn't stop myself from saying all of that, y'know? It was like verbal diarrhea." Hannah snorted in return and rested her head against the head rest and sighed.

"I wish it was easier to be able to accept his apology. I wish that it wasn't so hard." Hannah murmured. "All that talk in church about forgiveness and forgiving our enemies and it's just so damn hard." Gus made a noise. "What?"

"Just.. You talking about church now. I can't believe that the grands made you go."

"I can. And I'm grateful. Maybe not right now because I really want to go back and punch our father in the face but in the long run, it's been great. You should come on Sunday." Gus shook his head and Hannah sighed.

Looking down at her watch, Hannah decided it was time to go home. Grabbing her stuff, she turned to Gus and kissed him on the cheek, something she thought she would never do to her brother again.

"Just think about it, bro. Seriously. But go have fun with Brennan. Don't want to keep her waiting. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be able to identify, nor find your body if you make her mad." Gus snorted and watched Hannah get out the car. He shivered as the cold air blew into the car and as she closed his door and climbed into her own car, Gus couldn't help but feel grateful for the unlikely reunion between the two of them.


"You and Augustus went to see Miles? How did that go?" Heather asked Hannah through the hands-free in her car. Hannah was driving the short drive home and had decided to call Heather to update her on the goings on of her day. She had kept her in the loop since she had decided on going to see Miles and Heather very much wanted to know how her son-in-law had handled seeing his children.

"He apologised for what he had done. And then Gus had a bit of verbal diarrhoea and I managed to remain calm."
"Kudos to you, sweetheart. So what did you say to his apology?"
"Basically that sorry doesn't undo everything he did and that we don't need him because Gus and I have each other and we have you and grandpa. It was very, very exhausting."
"I'm proud of you, Hannah. I actually expected it to be you to blow up." Hannah chuckled as she turned into her parking lot.

"Me too. Listen, I just pulled up home but I'll give you a call later, when I'm not feeling so tired."
"Good idea. Love you, Hannah."
"Love you to Gran. Give grandpa a hug from me."
"Will do sweetheart." Hannah hung up and sighed as she pulled into a free parking space. Hopping out of her car, she grabbed her bag and locked the door. Moving her keys as she moved towards the door, she didn't hear a car door opening and then being slammed closed. She did however hear the sound of someone running, heavy footfalls on the ground as they came towards her. Without thinking, Hannah grabbed her gun from its holster at her hip and turned, taking the safety off as she spun around, ready to shoot whoever it was that was running after her. Now that she was out of the car, she was feeling more drained than she had previously and was not in the mood for any misfits that wanted to mess with her.

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