Chapter Sixteen: Danger Zoooooone

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Authors Note:

I'm baaaaaack!
I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. Uni has been crazy and I've been  lacking on the side of inspiration to write.
Until I decided to force myself to write this and ohmygosh I'm so proud of me for finishing. And starting.
So I figured I had to make this a nice long one to make up for my absence.

Thank you all for sticking by, reading and voting and waiting for this chapter. It's finally here and I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

Much love


Chapter Sixteen: Danger Zoooooone

"No, Han..." Booth groaned as Hannah reached for his phone which sat buzzing incessantly and immediately threw it across the room, returning to curling up in a ball against Booths chest. She felt him chuckle as she closed her eyes again, savoring the warmth. "They'll just ring your phone,  you know that."
"Well they can try but my phone is turned off and is buried deep inside my hand bag. The dead person can stay dead a little while longer so that I can be comfortable." Booth ran a hand through her shortened hair, resting his chin on her head. This, he thought, was perfect.

Hannah shifted slightly, utilising the warmth that radiated off of Booth. Winter was settling in and, she being more used to warmer weather, was rather happy with the way things currently were. She was happy. She had Booth. She had a job she loved. Yes, one of her friends was crazy and now in jail, but she had all she needed in that room, on the bed, right at that moment.

"So what's the plan for today?" Hannah asked, her voice muffled against Booths shirt. He sighed.

"Any plans really start with you letting me get up and seeing what the phone wants." Hannah looked up at and pouted.

"But you're warm."
"And your hands are freezing." Booth reached over to pull her one hand off of his back (she had snuck it under his shirt, knowing he wouldn't notice until it was noticeable) and gently tucked her hand between the two of them, gently kissing her hand as she sighed.

"I don't really want to go to work."
"I know, Han. But come on. Who doesn't love solving murders?"
"I can say that exact same sentence but instead of solving murders, who doesn't love filling in paper work!" Booth scowled, making Hannah giggle as he pulled her closer into him.

"Tone down the sarcasm, Captain Obvious." Hannah adjusted her face so that she could look up at the ceiling and smiled.

"No can do. This is my natural state. I froze like this. This is how it ends. I'm done for. We're doomed!" Hannah dramatically pushed herself away from Booth and rolled to the otherside of her bed, where she squinted as the early morning sun rays slipped through her curtains. "Also, you're morning breath is gross."
"Oh really? I wasn't the one who insisted on having garlic bread with dinner. Your breath is just as bad." Booth sat up and rubbed his eyes. Hannah followed suit and shivered, pulling the duvet up and around her ears as she sat there. Booth leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips before diving for his phone, which had kept buzzing throughout their exchange.  Booth sighed.

"Bones has a body at the lab. They need us there for identification." Hannah groaned and flopped back.

"No. I don't wanna. Tell them I'm sick. I'm sneezing out my ears or something." Booth rolled his eyes.

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