Chapter Eighteen: Siblings United

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Chapter Nineteen: Siblings United

Hannah pulled her coat closer to her as she stood in the car park, flicking the occasional look at her watch as she waited for her brother to come and get her. It was cold and he was late and the more she looked at her watch, the more irritated she was getting.

"Stupid idiot, can't make it anywhere on time... Probably forgot about today..."
"I heard that talking to yourself is the second sign of madness." A voice came from behind her and Hannah turned to see Brennan standing slightly behind her, a smile on her face. Hannah chuckled and buried her face in her scarf.

"What's the first sign?"
"The first sign of madness, as I have been informed, is asking what it is. But I've always thought that talking to yourself was a sign of intelligence. One can have the most intelligent of conversations with oneself." That got a decent laugh from Hannah that made Brennan feel quite impressed with herself.

Since having gotten back a week ago, both Brennan and Sweets had acted as a sort of buffer between Booth and Hannah. It wasn't as though Hannah were about to turn on him and fight him (although they all knew that she was quite capable of taking him on if need be) but it was the icyness between them that was beginning to burn away and made Hannah snappier and made Booths fuse shorter than it had ever been.  The team had found it easier to work when it was just one of them there, even though Booth and Hannah worked better as a team.

"Can I ask you something?" Brennan asked Hannah, moving so that she was standing right beside her. Hannah nodded, curious as to why Brennan was asking if she could ask a question. Generally, she just came and straight out asked. "How would you feel if I was seeing your brother? For sexual, emotional and intellectual purposes?" Hannah cocked her head and frowned at the question. Looking at Brennan, she could see that she was waiting for an answer and, ignoring the pang of sadness that reverberated through her stomach.

"I mean, I wouldn't be overly surprised? Not entirely sure how he would meet your intellectual needs, though. He can be quite dim." Brennan nodded.

"You wouldn't be hurt?"
"Doc, I've been hurt and disappointed too much to let it get to me. If you and Gus are seeing each other, then I say good for you, just don't let him be too much of a pain the ass, okay?" Brennan nodded and pulled out her phone, fingers flying over the keys as she sent a text. Hannah's brain twisted over what the doc had said and couldn't help but smile at the thought of Gus seeing Brennan. 

The sound of a car horn interrupted the brief thought of tiny, smart Gus like creatures and Hannah turned to see her brother turn into the carpark, his hair sticking up at odd angles because of driving with the windows down.

"Thank sweet baby camel babies, I've been driving in circles for the last twenty minutes and thought ya'll would never talk." Gus said as Hannah had peered through the window.

"20 minutes? I though you were going to do what I told you and just go to the diner." Brennan frowned and Hannah snorted.

"Yeah.. Gus do what you say... Good luck with that, Doc. When we were younger, we had a dog and I'm pretty sure Bilbo Barkins was better at listening than Gus was." Gus scowled.

"Bilbo Barkins? Do I even want to know?"

"Oh trust me. It'll give you a good look in to how Gus Price works. I'll tell it you sometime." Hannah winked as she pulled the door open and got in, unable to help the grin that was on her face from getting wider. Brennan shook her head.

"Are we still on for tonight, Tempe?" Gus asked over Hannah. Brennan nodded and Gus smiled and nudged Hannah who nudged him back, a little harder than she had originally aimed, but still not hard enough to make him bruise.

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