Chapter Two: Violet Skittles

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Chapter Two: Violet Skittles

A week after starting her job with Booth and the team at the Jeffersonian, Hannah seemed to find her rhythm. They hadn't had any murders that week, which was nice. And Booth had taken to Hannah quite quickly. Angela Montenegro, the forensic artist and tech guru, had quickly taken Hannah under her wing and pointed this out to her. Booth wasn't a big fan of working with new people.

"There must be something about you that he likes. Which could be a lot of things. You're very likeable." Angela had stated, making Hannah laugh.

Hannah strolled into Booths office and plonked a cup of hot coffee in his desk in front of him. He looked up at her with a bored look on his face.

"Y know, you look like you need to have someone murdered."
"Why,  are you volunteering?" Hannah raised an eyebrow as she say down in the chair across from his desk, swinging her long legs over the arm rest.

"To be the victim or to make a victim?" Booth sat up and leaned on his desk.

"I dunno. Surprise me. I'm just so bored!" He picked up the coffee and took a sip. "And this is good coffee. Where'd you get it?" He took another sip.

"The Mailbox. It's this quaint bar slash Diner slash cafe place just down the road from my apartment. I went there alllll the time while my mates and I were at Quantico. They know my coffee order by heart. I'm pretty sure they know my number as well because they greet me by name when I call..." Hannah shrugged as she sipped her coffee, the feeling of caffeine flooding her sleepy system making her happy.

They sat there like that for a few moments, a comfortable silence before it was interrupted by a young guy walking in and collapsing into the seat opposite Hannah. He didn't even seem to realise Hannah was there when he started talking to Booth.

"Y'know, you can't cancel our appointments. You and Doctor Brennan  are required to come to the appointments. You don't have a choice." He said. Hannah and Booth shared a look. Booths was one of exasperation  and Hannah's was one of amusement.
"You can't brush me off!"
"Hello!" Hannah chimed in before Booth could say something. The young man noticed her for the first time and took a huge breath.

"Wow, hi. Sorry i didn't see you there." Hannah smiled.

"Eh, it's fine. I mean, it just goes to show how often Booth has a female on his office. That's what, the third time this week I haven't been noticed? " Booth nodded.

"You are one with the furniture."
"Ah, but at least it's comfy." She patted her seat fondly. The guy stood up and reached out his hand.

"I'm Lance Sweets. I'm the psychologist."
"Ah, the shrink. You're the one Doc B doesn't believe does real science.' Sweets face dropped into one of exasperation.

"She doesn't believe that psychology is a real science. Which it is. It's brain science." Hannah chuckled and shook his hand.

"I minored in psychology, Sweets. They told me I couldn't be all just gung-ho at Quantico- Hey, that rhymed!" Hannah looked really pleased with herself. Booth chuckled and Sweets looked at her quizzically.

"Well, I'll try not to ignore you again. All things considered, you might beat me up if I do..." Hannah and Booths phones rang simultaneously. Sweets groaned. "It's always me. Always."

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