Chapter Twelve: Don't You Wish Your Past Could Bite the Dust?

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Chapter Twelve: Don't You Wish Your Past Could Bite the Dust?

Hannah stood outside Booths apartment, chewing her lip anxiously. Brennan had sounded relieved to hear that Hannah wasn't laying in a ditch somewhere (her words exactly)

Hannah raised her hand and knocked on the door lightly, taking a shaky breath. She heard footsteps and then the door opened as she lowered her hand from the door.

"Hannah, thank heavens." Booth pulled her into the the apartment and wrapped her into a hug, Hannah freezing before melting into the hug, wrapping her arms tightly around Booth. She almost didn't want to pull away but did anyway. Booth held her by her shoulders gave her a gentle shake.
"Where the hell have you been?" He asked, pushing the door closed with his foot.

"Hodgins place. I just needed to not think." Booth sighed and released Hannah. He rubbed his eyes and turned and walked into the kitchen and Hannah followed awkwardly behind him and sat down on the bar stool. Booth opened the fridge and grabbed two beers, opening Hannah's one and passed it to her. "I needed to get out of my head and Hodgins played UNO to help."
"I understand that but please, give me some warning next time." Hannah nodded.

"Are you okay?" She snorted.
"Okay? Honestly? Greatest understatement of the year." She snorted. Booth rolled his eyes. "I just.... it's a real shock to the system, y'know? I didn't expect to see him." She buried her head in her hands. Booth moved around the counter and wrapped her into a hug, resting his chin on her head. She released a shaky breath and rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes. Booth pulled away slightly so that he could sit down across from Hannah and gently grabbed her hand, turning it over and looking down at the small rose tattoo on her wrist and tapped it.

"Does this have anything to do with why you snapped at your brother?" Hannah nodded, her hair falling over her face. "And you told Sweets everything?"
"And you want to know too?"
"I'm your partner, Hannah. And as your partner, you should be able to talk to me." She took a breath and looked down at the tattoo that Booth still had his finger on.

"The last time I saw Gus was at our mom's funeral," She started, not looking up, eyes glued to the rose. "It... Didn't end well. Ugh, it really didn't end." She sniffed.

"Gus never really helped out in our home situation," She tested the words. Booth gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "My dad abused us. My mom, Gus, me... Rosie.... It was hard on us. Mom tried to protect us from him but it never worked. When she went to work, dad would turn on Gus and I and then when Rose was born and when she turned three, Dad started on her as well. It was the same for me and probably for Gus as well.

"When Rose was 5, I had just turned 11 and Gus was 16, Dad started trying to lecture Gus on how woman are meant to serve. Dad would do this everytime he beat Rose or I," Hannah had gone pale. "Everytime we did something wrong. And then mom... Mom got it worse." A tear slid down her cheek.

"But Rose... Heavens above it was because she was little and because she made more noise and mess than the rest of us and that just made him mad.

And then one day, Gus and I came home from school. Rose had been kept home with dad because she was sick. She was five.
Dad was just sitting there, drinking his beer and watching the game, like nothing had happened."
"Oh Hannah..."
"We never found the body and I... I screamed bloody murder and then our father beat me bloody," She spat. "And my dear darling brother did nothing to stop him. He did exactly what he was told to do. To keep mom out. Didn't work though." Hannah looked up at Booth. "She tried to pull dad off of me but then he turned on her. It was a.... long night. I came out of it was a broken wrist and so many cuts and bruises that I could've given most of the victims we deal with a run for their money."
"So that's why you don't want to talk to Gus? Hannah, he was probably being threatened-"
"You think it ends there? Really? Booth, four years later our dad killed mom. In front of me. And Gus. He didn't do anything to stop it. He didn't call for help. I was the one who went running while Derek Price chased after me, wielding the knife he used to kill mom and tried to kill me. I was 14, just about 15. And then you know what he did? He didn't even stand witness against our dad." Hannah looked back down again and her shoulders shook. "When dad was sent to prison, we had mom's funeral and he didn't even show up until afterwards, after the ceremony. He even came drunk. He said that he was leaving me with our grandparents because he needed to be by himself." Booth tightened his grown on her arms and pulled her into him, allowing her to sob into his shoulder.  "He abandoned me and now I have to deal with all this again because... God only knows how much I never wanted to see him again and now that I have, it feels exactly like it did when we lost Rose. She was 5 and now all I can think about is that she would be 20 this year and that she would be so happy if I hadn't been for the  ass hole that our dad is." Her words came through inbetween her sobs. Booth stared at a spot on the wall trying to control his own emotion, usually something that he was good at.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "Is that why you only wrote down your family as Heather and Richard?" Hannah hiccupped but there was a definite nod. "I'm so sorry." She pulled away to look at him and shook her head.

"I'm being stupid."
"No.. no, you aren't. Never say that. I know, sort of, what's going on. Don't ever blame yourself, you hear me?" Hannah sniffed but didn't say anything. "Hannah..."
"I heard you." Booth  frowned and lifted a hand to cup her face and made her look at him.

"My dad abused my brother and I. He walked out on us and I haven't heard from him since. We were raised by my grandfather. You and me... We both did good. And look at you now. Doing better than your old man."
"Just take the compliment, Price." Booth then did the only thing he could possibly think of that could stop Hannah from thinking or from talking. Booth pulled Hannah towards him and pressed his lips to hers.

Hannah froze momentarily but responded, melting into the kiss. She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck. Her mind kicked into action once again and she pulled away, her eyes wide and heart pounded. Booth looked down at her, his own eyes wide.

"That shouldn't've happened." Hannah's brain switched into panic mode, going through and stressing the implications of what had happened. "I have to go."
"Hannah, wait."
"No. No no no." She pulled away from and was out of her chair, making a run for the door.

"Hannah!" Booth chased after her. He managed to catch her before she got fully out the door. He pulled her back, fighting and winning against her strength. The door closed again and Hannah burst into tears.

"What..." He was startled, that was for certain, but not enough to not pull her into another hug. "Hannah, talk to me."
"I can't. I can't let my feelings get in the way. My stupid brother and stupid family and stupid emotions."
"I'm pretty sure emotions aren't stupid." Hannah glared at him through tear glazed eyes. "And I'm saying this because I care for you more than should be allowed but I don't care."
"No, Han. Listen to me. Your emotions are stupid because if they are, then I'm just as screwed." He bent the short distance down to her lips again and kissed her. Hannah was still processing his words when he pulled away.

"Are you okay?"
"I'm... I'm okay." Hannah this time pulled him down to her, meeting her lips to his and letting her mind go blank.

They stood there for a few moments, entangled in each other. Hannah pulled away again and rested her head against Booths.

"Are you okay?"
"I... can you just..."
"I'm always here, Hannah. Always." He pulled her to him, his heart pounding in his chest as he held her to him, a small smile on his face.


Authors Note
So this chapter is much shorter than I anticipated but I couldn't write anymore on this to make it better.
I also actually cried writing this. Full on tears and almost snot.

So enjoy 😚


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