Chapter Three: Nachos, Mojitos and a No Murderers OH MY!

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Chapter Three: Nachos, Mojitos and No Murderers OH MY!

"So Darren Stewart is caught with the roommates girlfriend and the roomate-"
"Doesn't he have a name?" Hannah sighed as another customer nacho plate was walked straight past her.

"Pritchard, I think. Robin Pritchard."
"Okay so Robin finds Stewart and Harbringe in the middle of doing the deed." Booth rolled his eyes.

"Doing the deed? You mean sex."
"Same thing. This is a family friendly restaurant or did you not read the sign on our way in?" Booth shot her a look that caused Hannah to smile cheesily. "So anyway..."
"Yeah anyway," Booth picked up where Hannah had interrupted, toying with a guacamole covered nacho chip. "Pritchard follows Stewart after walking in on Stewart and Harbringe in the middle of it. He kills him after work and boom. It's a classic case of lovers rage." He shoved the chip into his mouth and Hannah stared at him blankly for a moment, her brain trying to cope and catch up with what Booth had hypothesized.

"But you haven't actually had Pritchard analysed. What makes you think he has murderous tendencies?" She took a sip of her drink and pulled a face.

"It's a gut feeling, Price. You gotta trust the gut."
"Unless you have acid reflux. Then you need omeprazole. Or diarrhoea. Then you need immodium... Dear heavens what is this?" She pulled a face again as she took another sip of her drink without thinking.

"That, my friend, is a mojito."
"More like a Nojito." The door to the restaurant swung open and Hannah was blasted with cold air. Booth turned to see who it was that was walking in and his face lit up.

"Bones! Perfect timing!"
"We know the cause of death." Brennan took a seat and nodded at Hannah. She looked grim and Hannah pushed her drink towards the doctor. "Thanks."

She took a sip of it and her face seemed to visibly relax, just a smidgen.

"Okay? What killed him?"
"His tox-screening came back positive for alcohol."
"He was drunk?"
"Yes." Brennan took another sip. Hannah leaned back and thought for a moment.

"Is it possible that his death was an accident? That he just stumbled into that ditch, hit his head and chocked on his own vomit?" Brennan nodded.

"That would mean this isn't a murder! That means I can go home!" Hannah's face lit up. Booth sighed.

"Can you confirm it was an accident?"
"Both Cam and Mr Nigel Murray and Angela are all working in confirming it." Booth looked at Hannah who looked like she was about to leap out of her chair.

"Go. I'll see you tomorrow." He grumbled. Hannah grinned and chucked twenty bucks on the table.

"I'll see ya'll later." She rushed out the door.

"She's quite an interesting case."
"Oh, don't remind me. She's young. She... she's new to the job."
"She's pretty. Your sad she wanted to leave." Brennan gave Booth a sly smile and sipped her drink. Booth scowled in response.

"No, Bones. Just no."


Hannah sat cross legged on her couch with a bowl of Ramen noodles and giggled at the TV. Watching Star Trek was her way to calm down. That and Gilmore Girls but after a long day at work, she wanted Star Trek.

She scooped a fork full of noodles into her mouth just as her phone rang, causing her to jump and splash noodle juice onto her lap. Hannah scowled and reached over to the side table to grab the phone and she answered it, forking food into her mouth as she spoke.

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